Mr. Freeze just dosn't like me


Established Member
So about 2 weeks ago now i picked up a 2.5 year old Nosy Be and he was not very friendly. I figured it was just because he was in a new environment and his previous owner did not handle him much. I was wrong... Mr. Freeze fires up whenever i open his cage and gets VERY defensive, he has opened his mouth at me only once but every time i open his cage he fires up. The only time a have a bit of luck is when i feed him, he will fire up until he notices the food and then he calms down but is still a bit defensive. I know that most chameleons are not handled everyday but my other panther Skittles LOVES to come out any time so I'm kind of used to that. Have any of you had a chameleon that just won't warm up to you? Is there anything i can really do to make him not feel so threatened? Thanks in advance for the help :) I know I have been posting a lot recently.
What I did was i put a butter worm or silk worm in my right hand, and i used it to bait mine until she was on the edge of the cage. Then as she got closer i pulled the hand with the worm away and presented my left hand as a "stepping stone" in a sense in order for her to get it, before she never would, but now she us getting on my hand to get the worm in my other hand. I also use this trick to get her out her cage to clean it instead of just grabbing her. She doesn't mind going out either anymore but before my girl would run away or hid from me
Did his previous owner tell u about his personality?
Or it might be he is not used to his new environment n a new owner like u yet,
Sometimes its harder to tame an older adult but u can still try ur best to tame him with feeders,usually once he is in ur arm,he will be less aggressive than in his own territory cage,approach him slow so he doesnt feel threatened by u,good luck.
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