Captive Creations
Well It finally happened
Our Mt Meru Jackson Chameleons Jax and Jill just mated in our free range. I brought Jill out to feed her in our free range because when I feed our beetles I have a fear that they wll get loose some how so I have to hand feed them to ensure they are eaten. I notice she was looking especially beautiful today so Steve and I agreed to try to introduce jax again since they have never mated and we have never seen this perticular pattern on jill before. So one they were both in out 3 plant free range Jaxx slowly made his way to jill doing his little love dance and apparently she must have been impressed. After a few minutes being locked she turned jet black with blue markings and they unlocked and walked their own way.
I feel so proud of my little Jax. And Jill.
she has always been a steady 18 grams since she came to us. I will keep track of her weight as she gets bigger.
Also any info or tried and worked methods on raising baby Mt meru Jacksons would be very much appreated. as this will hopefully be our first babies
My computer has not been letting my attach photos but I will try to post on some time today from the mating.
There is a thread about them here though for those of you who want to see pics of them.
here's the link:
she has always been a steady 18 grams since she came to us. I will keep track of her weight as she gets bigger.
Also any info or tried and worked methods on raising baby Mt meru Jacksons would be very much appreated. as this will hopefully be our first babies
My computer has not been letting my attach photos but I will try to post on some time today from the mating.
There is a thread about them here though for those of you who want to see pics of them.
here's the link: