Multi cham drainage


New Member
ok so ive looked around and only really seen how people do drainage for one or 2 chams what about 4+ chameleons all on one drainage system? Id like to see some of these ideas people are using. Also if any one has stacked chams id like to see that as well.

iam moving in a month or so and id like to have a large drainage system set up for my chameleons (at the moment i have 4 but eventually will become more as i find what iam looking for) i have 2 ideas right now one is just do what iam doing now (using 2x2 laundry room sinks with enclosures sitting on top and a funnel on the drain) and use a eavestrough under my funnels to run it all into a large bucket or into a hose that will lead it to a drain in the floor. My other idea is to use a old counter or long bench and replace the top with light defuser and support it with PVC and have a large V shape running under the whole thing 2' wide running all the water into a large bucket or to a drain in the floor.

any other ideas would be Greatly appreciated especially ways i can save some space with
Here is the 8' drain table I just build for 4 cages.

Here is a older photo of how I used to have my drainage set up. I have since linked all the pans together and they have a line that runs to a floor drain.

This is how ive done it i have a 2 inch hole in the center of the floor of each cage. I then hot glue aluminum screen under the hole. Under the holes is a 4 inch drain pipe cut in half with a slight slope towards the drain bucket. 14 cages each row, 1 bucket, and gravity does the work. All the power comes from above, and the stands are all on rollers, which makes it easy for cleaning. Ive had a mistking timer malfunction and no risk of fire, after buckets overflowed it went to the floor drain. I can roll 9 cages outside at a time to hose out very fast and efficient.



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The set-ups in the first link are mine, and the PVC pipes that connect the cages' individual catch pans all drain into buckets. I could have connected all 4 cages but I wanted the two units to be easy to separate if I needed to redo the room for whatever reason. It was by far the easiest system I've ever had.
This is how ive done it i have a 2 inch hole in the center of the floor of each cage. I then hot glue aluminum screen under the hole. Under the holes is a 4 inch drain pipe cut in half with a slight slope towards the drain bucket. 14 cages each row, 1 bucket, and gravity does the work. All the power comes from above, and the stands are all on rollers, which makes it easy for cleaning. Ive had a mistking timer malfunction and no risk of fire, after buckets overflowed it went to the floor drain. I can roll 9 cages outside at a time to hose out very fast and efficient.


can i see some more pics of how its hooked up to the bottom of the enclosures?
On that one i used mule tape(its a type of flat nylon rope) and stapled it into the stand, but i quit being such a cheapskate and got a big roll of the plastic Stuff the plumbers use to strap pipes up. It has holes every inch or so, its easy to adjust to get your proper slope and screw it right into the underneath of your stand. I try to remember and get some more pics tomorrow.

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