My 2.5yr old twins enjoying their new Ball Python!


Please do not call CPS for this. :) The Republicans of this country will probably try to put me in prison for this because they fear snakes so badly. This python is docile and has never bitten anyone. I would never trust my kids with a highly defensive snake. This beautiful Ball has been eating mice with a dusting of DinoFuel.

Pic 1:

My daughter, Scarlett holding the ghost orange Ball python


Another pic of my son, Talon holding the ball python and his sister is getting antsy because she thinks it is her turn. lol


Another shot of my son, Talon holding the python.

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The Republicans of this country will probably try to put me in prison for this because they fear snakes so badly.


Got news for you- by and large that isn't the party that calls cps on people or passes laws against snake ownership... Well maybe the latter has plenty of blame to go around both parties, but at least they aren't usually the ones to propose such legislation...

Very cute pics and beautiful snake though.

Your kids are adorable.
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Got news for you- by and large that isn't the party that calls cps on people or passes laws against snake ownership... Well maybe the latter has plenty of blame to go around both parties, but at least they aren't usually the ones to propose such legislation...

Very cute pics and beautiful snake though.

Your kids are adorable.

Thanks for the compliments, my kids love the snake. It is too funny. I know the republicans will not bother me. I was just being sarcastic considering the proposal of the python ban here in the states. Plus my dad is a die hard Republican and he is scared to death of snakes. This picture makes his skin crawl. lol
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Nice!!!! My niece isnt afraid of anything. She loves reptiles and has held some big snakes!!!!

Your kids are lucky to be growing up around all of those cool animals:)
Tom your kids are beautiful, hair combed or not. I like to see kids learning that reptiles are animals just like cats & dogs. But I don't want to see in the paper that you fed both kids to the snake for a snack.:D
Yeah i kind of wish my parents would have showed me those things when I was little. For like 14-15 years of my life, until i learned on my own otherwise, I was taught that all snakes will constrict your throat and strangle you if you touch them and all spiders will inject fatal venom into you if you touch them.. lol.
Great pics Tom! Beautiful kids and cool snake.... A little tip, I used to own a hair salon and practice this on our 5 year old at home...... BUZZ CUT :p
Aww. so cute.

your kids are adorable!

not a fan of the snake.. (i just dont like them) but I would have no problem with my kids holding one, so long as it is docile like yours.

Great job!
Lol, thanks for everyone for all the kind words and not calling CPS. :) My dad says he is calling them or coming over and shooting all my snakes. LOL
lol great shots Tom, i like how they keep their hands in little fists, im guessing you tought them that as to keep all the little fingers safe :)
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