New Member
i had a little bit of extra money, so today i picked up some lumber to build a pair of cages and will be building a nice stand to go along with it. i wanted to move my multituberculata to a bigger cage more sutable for him. my plans are to tear down my veileds cage and re-use some wood and plexi glass from there. anyways.. today, i was able to frame both cages. and by the looks of it, i ordered more than enough wood than i calculated.... i can build stuff but i cant do math ahhaah. ive deffinately got enough to make at least 4 more, so i think im going to build my girlfriend 2 as an early birthday present but shhhh..... dont let (ange loves chams) know. lol
alright alright enough blabbering, heres what i got done. if you guys would like me to make a build log as i go on let me know. ... enjoy
alright alright enough blabbering, heres what i got done. if you guys would like me to make a build log as i go on let me know. ... enjoy