My 2nd Cage(s) build.


New Member
i had a little bit of extra money, so today i picked up some lumber to build a pair of cages and will be building a nice stand to go along with it. i wanted to move my multituberculata to a bigger cage more sutable for him. my plans are to tear down my veileds cage and re-use some wood and plexi glass from there. anyways.. today, i was able to frame both cages. and by the looks of it, i ordered more than enough wood than i calculated.... i can build stuff but i cant do math :rolleyes: ahhaah. ive deffinately got enough to make at least 4 more, so i think im going to build my girlfriend 2 as an early birthday present ;) but shhhh..... dont let (ange loves chams) know. lol

alright alright enough blabbering, heres what i got done. if you guys would like me to make a build log as i go on let me know. ... enjoy:)
oops. i forgot the details and the pics :eek: its been a looong day.

both cages are 2x2x4 which will equal out to the same depth and heigh as Kiwi's cage. they are just framed by spruce 1x2's and will be disasembled, sanded, stained and sealed.

this is the viv thats going to be torn down. it doesnt look like that anymore, its alot simpler (no substrateand less plants).
uh, so where are the pics? I am trying to get some ideas for my husband to build an outdoor cage so pics would be nice!
Day 2: Cage Build

got alot accomplished today, finished the fram work, stained and screened one cage. just have to do the drain floor and finish the other cage, while those are curing, i will be building the table stand for it. another 2 days and everything will be finished.

i used an exterior stain & seal gel stain. works and covers awsome.


got alot accomplished today, finished the fram work, stained and screened one cage. just have to do the drain floor and finish the other cage, while those are curing, i will be building the table stand for it. another 2 days and everything will be finished.

i used an exterior stain & seal gel stain. works and covers awsome.

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Dang dude that cage is off the the chain..I wish I could do sum stuff like that...
thank you so much guys, glad you like them. building cages are so much fun, and your own labor realy pays off, so rewarding lol.

Very wonderful!!

Will you build drainage into the table? Can we see pics of that?

im not to sure yet eliza, i have build both pretty much as ive gone along, no blueprints or anything in mind. however, i do not thing i will be doing a gutter idea or anything like, i feel it may be a little to noisy and irritating along with the sound of crickets in my room. i think i was just going to do it simple with drain buckets underneith. i want everything easily mobile so i can move them as i please
That's sort of what I was asking: will you build the stands so the water just drips into a tub that you can empty?

Having them so you can easily move them is really important to me. You never know when an emergency might force an evacuation. Having a cage you can put in a car and take with you can make a huge difference (even if you take the animals in bags so they don't get need some place for them to hang out for the time you're forced out of your home).
That's sort of what I was asking: will you build the stands so the water just drips into a tub that you can empty?

Having them so you can easily move them is really important to me. You never know when an emergency might force an evacuation. Having a cage you can put in a car and take with you can make a huge difference (even if you take the animals in bags so they don't get need some place for them to hang out for the time you're forced out of your home).

yes, a tub is what im planning on doing. some guys on here have such a fancy system going i just dont have the time or patients for that right now. i wish though lol. im just kind of stuck on the floor right now it sucks. :( and things have just not been going smooth today. its terribly hot out right now and i cant think too straight. i think im going to take a break and just go buy some new plants.

i do have spare cages and the size of these 2 would never fit in my car, not even one. but i hear ya. thats why i always like carying a couple extras around.i still live at home so its not realy an issue of evactuation unless it was a fire God forbid. i would just grab every one and head outside. we never get our house sprayed or anything so flexariums on hand would be fast to get
Day 3: Cage Build

today was a pain in the rear end, no doubt. ran into quite a few blocks deciding on what to do with the floor. i ended up just making a frame to support some plexiglass, than drilled a center drain hole. simple and effective. i am now finished both cages, all thats left is the top aluminum mesh when i take down the veiled's cage, but all in all, the cages are done. will be starting and hopefull finishing the table stand tomorrow, painting the next day, and then moving the in the chams to their new home. once paint and stains are dry there 0 toxins or fumes left around, the worst is done, and by the time im all finished, the table paint and cage stains will have been fully cured. enjoy the update. :)



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