My adolescent panther is a really picky eater, what to do?


When he was a juvenile, he ate dubia and then got tired of them. Then he ate crickets and then got tired of them and the same thing happened with super rooms most recently. I don't know what to do except give him a few different feeders. What should I do? Is there anyone who could get my katydids and grasshoppers? I talked to someone on here who said they would send me some for free but they never answered me.


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he looks like my guy and im having the same issue. its very stressful thinking he might kill himself by not eating what i give him. superworms, hornworms, crickets, dubias, and sometimes silkworms. i tire of buying stuff just to have it die. i sometimes have to make him eat.. he drinks like a champ though. my veiled and jackson eat fine.
How often are you feeding him? You may just be trying to feed him too often and he doesn't need it.
I wouldn't force feed him unless it's been two weeks. A healthy chameleon won't starve himself.
okay, sounds like good advise. i just dont want him to lose weight and look bony, i also dont want him to hate me either. hes the only one who gives me grief. im going to take him to the vet this week to do an exam and have them do a fecal on him just to make sure he doesnt have parasites.
All Chams go through phases, I use blue bottle flys or moths (available from Nick Barta,mantis place, other Sponsors)something that flies many time will break a hunger strike . As adults they need to be fed every other day . Good luck Dave
I agree with Dave, flies and fluttering things break hunger strikes most of the time. So do bright green prey items with most chams. So hornworms are usually a good buy or green banana roaches are a good investment. I offer silkworms, black soldier flies and their larvae, wax worms and their moths, super worms, hornworms, stick insects when I have them, dubia roaches, green banana roaches, crickets once or twice a week, I sometimes in a rare while will do mantids, during the summer months I will have grasshoppers.
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