My aunt is giving me her bearded dragon!

@MissSkittles how much do you feed Spike?
It’s been very hard to find info on how many insects to give an adult beardie, so Spike has gotten chunky. Everything just says 80% salad and 20% insects, but no quantities. He gets his salads everyday and 2-3 times a week he gets the equivalent of 4-6 crickets, provided he’s at least taken a nibble of his salad. I only order crickets once a month so get them smaller.
It’s been very hard to find info on how many insects to give an adult beardie, so Spike has gotten chunky. Everything just says 80% salad and 20% insects, but no quantities. He gets his salads everyday and 2-3 times a week he gets the equivalent of 4-6 crickets, provided he’s at least taken a nibble of his salad. I only order crickets once a month so get them smaller.
It looks like we are feeding the same amount, just spread out differently.
I haven’t looked into female care. Will thatcher’s girl need a permanent lay bin? How often do they lay? Anything different that needs to be done for a girl?
I haven’t looked into female care. Will thatcher’s girl need a permanent lay bin? How often do they lay? Anything different that needs to be done for a girl?
They said they start laying between 2-5 years and may not ever lay. There hasn't been any solid information I have seen on it.
But yes, I would start providing a lay bin, the same as you would for a chameleon. Just in case she wants to use it, since I saw she is about 18 months.
I don’t think it needs to be as deep as we use for our chams. I think just a few inches of soil in a shallower container is all they need. If I’m wrong, someone will (hopefully) correct me.
I feed her salads everyday, and then once a week I give her about a dozen bugs. She was getting to be a fatty so I quit feeding bugs twice a week. I use all large feeders.
It’s been very hard to find info on how many insects to give an adult beardie, so Spike has gotten chunky. Everything just says 80% salad and 20% insects, but no quantities. He gets his salads everyday and 2-3 times a week he gets the equivalent of 4-6 crickets, provided he’s at least taken a nibble of his salad. I only order crickets once a month so get them smaller.
Ol' Stinkeye turned into a chonk as well, so I cut his bug allotment in half. That was several weeks ago, and he's still pissed. (So, what else is new?) :rolleyes:

I hear you about the 80/20 thing (besides, 80/20 is an aluminium extrusion supplier!) I've been decrying that feeding ratio since before I got Stinkeye—it makes no sense, and I've never gotten a credible answer to, "by volume or weight?"

I've been offering daily salads (including bug days), and twice a week he gets his num-nums—10-20 med. dubias and 10 med. giant mealworms. I will say that a light dusting of bee pollen powder on the salad seems to have made a difference; some days he'll eat both his bugs and his salad. (What a good little lizard... 😁 )

Mathematically, an argument can be made to give them bugs only once a week (20% of 7 = 1.4) but he looks at me with those big brown puddly eyes filled with hatred and contempt, and I cave every time... 😔

Whatever, it seems to be working and he's slowly taking it off. His fat pads are getting thinner and he's losing his beer gut. (What a good little lizard... 😁 )

I don’t think [a lay bin] needs to be as deep as we use for our chams. I think just a few inches of soil in a shallower container is all they need. If I’m wrong, someone will (hopefully) correct me.
Internet says... "at least 9" but I've seen/heard other sources say 7". I know some cover them to simulate a hide where a female might dig a nest.

...And of course there are about a godzillion videos on YT. bearded dragon lay box
Yes, Spike eats his salad much better with some bee pollen sprinkled on it too. He also seems to prefer having his salad first thing in the morning before basking. I agree about the ratio. How can one measure insect feeders against salad? I just do my best to give more salad and less insects.
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