My Axel is drinking water but not eating mealworms

I don't know if it's possible but if it vibrates and he feels it I wonder if it's causing him distress....just a thought....but it could be parasites too or the marks on his back could be a problem.
As a wild caught chameleon he has probably never had a meal worm until he met you or his original captor. He's most likely more accustomed to diurnal flying insects like dragon flys and bees. Chameleons can be picky or fussy eaters surprisingly. Try a variety of insects I always offer a variety and mine still sometimes stop eating crickets or meal worms. They're spoiled or just get burnt out on the same - or require different nutrition values delivered by a different bug so instinctively stop eating one type to avoid impaction or edema- over dose of a certain vitamin or mineral. Too much of anything can kill you. :)
Update: Axel ate! He had 5-6 mealworms for breakfast! I'm so glad!
I'll take him to the vet for a check up soon. Will post updates. Thank you all for your help/advice/suggestions.
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