My baby Cham keeps getting worst


New Member
He sleeps all day doesn't move and now he closed both eyes I'm really scared i might loss him I weighed him on Sunday and he was 2.3gs and now his 2.5gs I really want to help him

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, male and 1 month old. I've had her for two and a half weeks
Handling - Only when needed
Feeding - I am feeding her pint-sized crickets and mealworms. He hasn't been eating much at all.
Supplements - reptil calcium whit out d3 every day and whit every other day
Watering - I mist down the habitat with a spray bottle 2 time a day for about 5 minutes and a driper all day I work from 7 - 4 30 that's y I leave it on all day
Fecal Description - Hard to see.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - I mead a 23 by 24 by 50 but it's way to big for him so I divide it so now it's 23 by 24 by 25 , and it's duck tape tape together so he won't get stuck on it
Lighting - 13 w reptisun 5.0 UVB and a 60 watts daylight blue thr both zoo med
Temperature - It is about 70 to 80 degrees in the basking spot and 60 at the bottom
Humidity - About 60-70% humdity.
Plants - 1 ficus , fake and lots of vines and branches.
Placement - Located in my bed room by the closet low traffic
Location - San Francisco
Sorry about your baby...:(
Can you post a picture about him?
Calcium with D3 should be given one day every two weeks! And you should give him multivitamin with D3 every two weeks as well!
It can be vitamin deficiency... Do his eyes seem sunken?
Here's his eye


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Yea it's coil I just turned it of and on my way to petco to buy one whit the new one is he gonna get better?
Yea it's coil I just turned it of and on my way to petco to buy one whit the new one is he gonna get better?

He should start opening his eyes in the next day or so if it was the bulb that was the problem. I have my fingers crossed for him.
Yea it's coil I just turned it of and on my way to petco to buy one whit the new one is he gonna get better?

Be careful what you buy at Petco! From my own recent personal experience the only linear bulbs they sold were really poor quality. I think the brand name we bought was zilla, and it was covered in a thick plastic. From what I have learned on these forums they can't get the necessary UVB through plastic.
We returned ours and bought a reptisun 5.0 linear hood with light included, from a local pet store.
They can also be purchased on Amazon. If you haven't already, read the care sheet info for your Cham it is very helpful. Hope she's better soon!
I would try frut flys.. also make sure the crickets you are getting are very small, no bigger than the space between the eyes.. if not a bit smaller.. does not matter other than us reading what they are called.. so are they "really small?"

However can someone more experienced with hatching these guys give some input? She/he seems really small to me as a month old.. perhaps I am wrong..

you noted a weight gain.. was he/she acting the same before the weight gain??
If he sleeps all day... Hes ill.. Take him to a vet! Guarantee you it has nothing to do with your bulb.. The coil bulbs are not damaging to their eyes these days.. Thats old news

Although yes a linear bulb would be better for fuller uv exposure.

Again, get to the vets
I thought it was old news too, but I just used a new one and my Chams started closing their eyes within one day and developed blisters.
If he sleeps all day... Hes ill.. Take him to a vet! Guarantee you it has nothing to do with your bulb.. The coil bulbs are not damaging to their eyes these days.. Thats old news

Although yes a linear bulb would be better for fuller uv exposure.

Again, get to the vets
I thought it was old news too, but I just used a new one and my Chams started closing their eyes within one day and developed blisters.

It really helps this discussion if all of us INCLUDE THE LIGHT BRAND AND MODEL!! Not all CF bulbs are bad, not all good. Not all linear bulbs are good, not all bad. We can't tell which you are talking about without the details please.
It's in the first post, but the one I used was a repti sun 5.0 coil bulb.
It really helps this discussion if all of us INCLUDE THE LIGHT BRAND AND MODEL!! Not all CF bulbs are bad, not all good. Not all linear bulbs are good, not all bad. We can't tell which you are talking about without the details please.
I would try frut flys.. also make sure the crickets you are getting are very small, no bigger than the space between the eyes.. if not a bit smaller.. does not matter other than us reading what they are called.. so are they "really small?"

However can someone more experienced with hatching these guys give some input? She/he seems really small to me as a month old.. perhaps I am wrong..

you noted a weight gain.. was he/she acting the same before the weight gain??

Yea his the same liltle guy just whit one eye close sense I work all day I don't know wat he really dose so sense Monday I put a camera in between a plant and he eats and bask and walks around and hides ,he eats like 3 o 4 small crickets
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