I only had my chameleon for 10 days and was active and eating and drinking. (I witneseed this several times as I could stop staring at her sometimes
I went in to turn on her light's one morning and she didn't perk up as quickly as normal. In fact she was on the ground of the habitat so I gave her a little nudge a few times and she still didn't wake up and even almost fell over to her side with my final nudge. She finally opened her eyes and moved around so I thought maybe it was from her being a little cold. Before I left for work she was on the wall looking good and even saw her dart her tongue out to catch a cricket but missed. I let her be and when I came to check on her at bed time she was on her back on the bottom of the habitat dead and turning black. My boys who have lizards and snakes are confused as to what I did wrong or if she was just sick when I bought her. Any ideas?