My big guy's on his way out...

Yeah Kristina - I was going to take a pic of that and post it on the "chameleon related thing" thread.

That's my absolute favorite chameleon-related "thing". dont' you have pics of them somewhere?
Sorry for your loss, Eric. :(
That veiled is one of the most gorgeous veiled i've ever seen.
You've done well, man.
Good thing the legacy goes on :)
Just got back from the beach. He died on Saturday, and my father in law buried him for me.

Also during the weekend, my young female, from this big male's last clutch, laid her furst clutch of eggs.

She's a lot bigger than her mother, and laid a good clutch of 32 massive eggs. Extremely large eggs for a veiled.

Thanks for all the kind words!
I'm truly sorry for your loss. Our big veil is on his way too. I thought he would be gone by now but somehow he managed to hang on. He falls out of his tree a lot and we have to hand feed him now.

He's 6.5 y.o. They sure become part of the family and are really missed.

I'm sure you have a lifetime worth of great memories with your guy. We do with ours and are grateful for the time we share with him.
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