My bluebar panther chameleon keeps falling and isn't eating.

don't try to force feed, it will only make matters worse...force feeding should be left for an absolute last ditch situation

I would agree that she is looking quite dehydrated. Based on your description of her poo, Snake's guess at a parasite is probably a good one. Whatever is causing the diarrhea is causing dehydration and likely stressing her in not eating.

I would add a fairly large amount of foliage to her cage (can you give us a full cage pic?)

Also, are you sure your temperatures are accurate? 100W Neo bulb generates a LOT of heat....I use a 60W standard incandescent bulb and have temps in the 80-85 range at my basking spot and 70-80 throughout the setup...with a 100W my temps would be WAY higher.

if you are keeping up on your care as listed, then i would not think it is a husbandry issue (minus the supplementation fix) but that would even further lead to likelihood of illness/parasite which would need a vet eitherway

I agree on the force feeding. It should only be done if the cham can not physically eat on its own, or an extreme situation.
They will eat eventually.
hope this helps you can pm me if you have any questions im heading to bed now but i would have her looked at by a vet imo if you cannot afford or do not have a vet then keep trying to find one you can also buy her repta aid i use it for chams and beardies that are dehydrated and not eating aswell it may help you it has helped a couple of my herps but not all are as much of fighters as others she looks pretty sick im so sorry to hear this about her but vet is my best suggestion the showers should help also snake said it best for the shower method anyways good night hope things work out for you keep us posted on your progress
I agree on the force feeding. It should only be done if the cham can not physically eat on its own, or an extreme situation.
They will eat eventually.

i also agree this should only be done in extreme cases usually decided by the vet because it can cause some injuries that are permanant
picture of her cage


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