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This is Carlos. Ive had him for about one month. He's my first cham.


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Very nice looking cham, but was wondering if you could post a few more pics like another member asked. Just wanting to check something out. His front left leg looks a little strange to me between the elbow and the foot. Could just be the angle of the camera, or the way he is holdinig it but just want to be sure!!! Try to get a picture of bothe front legs would be helpful.
looks like your chams front leg is bent between his foot and elbow could be the camera if not your guy has mbd
Oh geeze I hope its not MBD. He appears healthy. Eats and is active. Maybe just a lil cranky.


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Oh geeze I hope its not MBD. He appears healthy. Eats and is active. Maybe just a lil cranky.

Well, Looking at these new pics I'd have to agree and say the legs do not look right... I'm not a Vet so I cannot say but it does look similar to other pictures I have seen of MBD. You might want to search the search bar for other related posts.

Maybe someone who has seen MBD before in person can chime in here?
Oh, P.S.....

Just a thought you may want to re-post this is the "Health" section along with the new pictures you posted... you are more likely to get persons there looking and maybe more replies to the possible issues with his legs... you may even want to label the Post as MBD? Then persons will see that and take a look... might be helpful... justy a thought.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - male veiled chameleon guessing 5-6 months old. Cared for him for approx a month.
Handling - I dont handle him.
Feeding - Crickets,waxworms and super worms. He eats 4-5 large crickets a day with a sprinkle of the worms once in a while. Gut load crickets with mix of veggies and flukers dry cricket food. Supplements - Herpivite calcium with D3 and plain calcium. Calcium 5 days a week. Twice a month calcium with D3 and once a month the vitamins. Watering - Drip system. he drinks from tube regularly. Mist twice a day til all is soaked.
Fecal Description - Droppings appear normal from what ive read. Dark dropping with white urine.
History - No history. Purchased from local pet store. He was previously owned and the owner had to move.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Full screen 18x18x36 Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 tube 2.0 tube for plants and 50 watt basking bulb. 12 hours on and 12 off.

Temperature - overall 72-75. Basking 85 Lowest overnight temp? 68. digital temp and humidity. Humidity - 44-50 Misting

Plants - Ficus and Pothos
Placement - My bedroom. there is a ceiling fan. top of cage is approx 6.5 feet from floor. Location - Colorado

Current Problem - Possible MBD?????
I agree with Jann. I noticed it right from the first pic. Your husbandry seems good (except your cage could be bigger for later 24 X 24 X 48) you need a multivitamin twice a month also. It is obvious you are doing things right but most likely the owner before you was lacking in care. He should be seen by a vet.

Yes, I very much doubt that this issue has been since the Cham is in your care... I am guessing he was like that when you bought him? Did you notice maybe that they were like that and just figured maybe it was "normal" since your not all that familiar with MBD.

A trip to the Vet will get you a diagnosis and on the right treatment path... try to find one that specializes in reptile care.
I did not know he was sick when I purchased him. My wife said it was meant to be for us to care for him. Everything happens for a reason. I contacted a vet in Colorado Springs and I will be taking Carlos for a visit.

I did not know he was sick when I purchased him. My wife said it was meant to be for us to care for him. Everything happens for a reason. I contacted a vet in Colorado Springs and I will be taking Carlos for a visit.

Keep us posted... yes, if you are willing to care for him than it' good he is with you! Let us know what the Vet says, good luck!!! :p
Thanks for all of your help everyone. Thats why this is the best site ever. Thanks again.
Gosh, I am sorry you had to get a cham that had problems. I did not want to scare you with the first posting, so I didnt say anything about MBD until you posted some other pics. Well, he is a lucky chameleon to have you as his keeper and I am so glad you are getting him to the vet and will try and get him some help. Good luck and let us know how things go!
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