My cham has a mouth injury, How to know if he is suffering?

YAY so happy you were able to bring him home- this vet sounds MUCH better ! hang in there, you can do this ;) I was wondering all day how it went, thanks for letting us all know- and we know this was not your fault at all, we are all here to lend support for you - :)

Exactly what little leaf says! I'm glad the little guy has a plan now :)
Perla, how is your little chameleon doing? Is he healing at all or feeling better? I've been thinking about him hoping for a good update all day.
Perla! I'm so sorry this happened to your lil guy! That's horrible! I will pray for him to make a full recovery! I hope he gets better very soon! :( good luck to the both of you!!!

Thank you for ask,
Champ (my chameleon) is stable, but I am not very optimistic since he is not eating by itself. The medicine (Reptile Wound Healing Oil) helped to shed the crust of the wound, so now his mouth looks better, but still, the skin didn’t come back to the original position, perhaps never will.

I am worry for his right eye. He opens it sometimes, but it looks like he makes a big effort in doing so.

I give him Cerelac-Baby Food in the morning. It is not easy to feed him. It is a kind of force feeding because he never opens the mouth by itself; of course, I am very gentle and careful. Yesterday, I try to give him live-cockroach, but he did not try to eat them. He only observed them with his left eye (the right was closed).He did not try to catch them, before he was very fast, never forgive one.

The top of the crest is still broken, but I am not worry too much about it. I also apply the wound healing to the crest. The area looks very dry; I do not think it will stick again. If he survives, I hope the crest will grow and the damage will not show too much.

I try to keep him outside several hours; the weather is perfect for him right now. He is very thirsty, so I am constantly spraying the plant, also when I bring him in, he drink a lot from one of the droppers. After he drink inside the cage, he remain in one spot, he does not move, but while outside he is walking in all the leaves and drinking the drops, I guess he likes being outdoors.

Again, thank you for ask.

Here are two picture, In the picture where he is pointing to the right, his mouth is closed ( you can see the damage in the crest). In the second picture (pointing to the left) he has his right eye open, he was about to drink, so his mouth was slightly open.


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hang in there, they heal slow, he is thin, but still if he is moving about outside, that is good :) he may just be a bit tired when he comes in , so he rest inside, as long as he is not sleeping - resting is ok I would think - if you want, you can make a simple cheap dripper for outside, you can take a a jug, and poke a SMALL hole in it, and set it on top of his outside cage, so he will have the extra water along with your spray
its hard, and this is such a disappointing thing to come home to - but you are doing a great job with your little guy. keeping you in our thoughts :) thanks for the update
Drinking is really good. Keep up the good care and hopefully he can starting eating on his own again soon. We are all sending you positive thoughts and hoping for a good outcome.
sending well wishes your way for your little guy to get better fast. he looks better than he did the first day you came home so keep up the good work and we will all be wishing the best for both of you.
keep us posted on how you all are doing.
Hello Friends:

The health if Champs has deteriorate rapidly in the last hours. He is severe dehydrated and the worse, he does not want to drink anymore. He looks pale and his eyes are very sunken. He felt from the outdoor plant, he does not have any more strange.

I place him in a tank, with some wet leaves, a grape, and the basking light; he is in the bottom of the tank, his eyes closed., any minute he will stop breathing. My son and I are right next to him.

Again, thank you for all your support.

Champ, finally, passed away.

I don't know what went wrong. Yesterday, he was drinking and sort of active, but this morning was complete dehydrated and never recover.

We buried it in the bottom of his outdoor plant. We will miss him.

Again, thank you for all the help. Now, that I got all the element to take good care of him, he is gone. So sad. We will miss him.

Bye for now
What a sad update. I'm so sorry for you. I admire how hard you tried to support and heal him.
I'm so sorry. I remember when your first got the poor little guy, I wish you the best, and am very sorry for your loss. :( I'm probably going to be sad the rest of the night:(
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