My Cham question


New Member
hello! I don't know what is going on with my cam but for some reason his lips turns black like he put on lipstick even when he is in the cage. Anyone knows what this means?
Don't really know without a pic could you give us one?

Here is the pic. His behavior has been the same, even before his lips color changed


  • IMG_0796.JPG
    124.5 KB · Views: 142
That could be mouth rot, but it looks more like a burn to me. Might want a good reptile vet look at it if it's mouth rot he will need some antibiotics. What ever it is it does look damaged, and don't look normal and should have some attention IMO. Good luck
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Not sure. Is he in a glass enclosure? (Sorry if I missed this somewhere.) Wondering if he may be rubbing on something trying to get out.
That could be mouth rot, but it looks more like a burn to me. Might want a good reptile vet look at it if it's mouth rot he will need some antibiotics. What ever it is it don't look normal and should have some attention IMO. Good luck

Hopefully it's not mouth rot.... but I feel like it could be because he doesn't live in a condition where he might burn his mouth
I don't think it's mouth rot personally because it will normally look infected, and usually starts on the gums. I think he has damaged it some how. It looks like it could be dead, and might fall off so be prepared for that. Hopefully it will just heal and everything will works out. Good luck
hello! I don't know what is going on with my cam but for some reason his lips turns black like he put on lipstick even when he is in the cage. Anyone knows what this means?

That looks like a rub. He probably is rubbing his face against the screen. How big is your cage? A restless or stressed chameleon is more likely to rub their faces trying to escape than one who is not so active. He probably needs a different cage set up--bigger and with more cover and perches to try to get him to relax.
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