My Chameleon, and how he reacts to me. Advice welcome please!


I got a male veiled chameleon for Christmas last year, he was about 1-3 months old when I got him.

He always loved to come out and hang on top of the glass cage and let me pickup him up once in awhile without me agitating him. I had a glass terrarium for his habitat for the first week or two having him.


Then had a fully custom wooden screened cage building for him. Went out to hobby lobby bought some fake grape vines/foliage/leaves. Made his cage all nice looking, didnt put any real plants in but thats my future goal, that and an auto misting system... Anyways, started letting him get used to his new enclosure:

This is his current setup in my room:

Vines and leaves are all fake, eventually ill get real plants:

Current day picture of him from outside of cage (cant get into cage without him hiding):

Better Pictures:


I am a novice chameleon owner, but I know my facts about chameleons for the amount of time i spend doing research on them... Little information about how I feed him/take care of him: I feed him once a day with D3 vitamins (maybe some mealworms once in a while) about 10 crickets get put in his cage everytime i wake up. I rarely feed him wild anything due to unknowing of pesticide intake/diseases, but I have fed him a giant wild katydid and some grasshoppers from a wildlife preservation without him having any problems. Once he sees the big bugs in his cage he targets them first, very fun to watch him.

Misting his habitat about 2-4 times a day, I never take him out of his cage due to how territorial he has gotten of his new habitat, I CANNOT hand feed due to him posing me as a threat (I DONT BLAME HIM). UVB and Red Basking light on him for good 12-14 hours, I have a 3rd plant heating bulb that I turn off when the sun goes down everyday. Lights go completely off around 10pm.

I cannot put my hand anywhere near him or he would hiss or open his mouth, he has drawn blood from biting me once and ONLY once (I learned my lesson..) I prefer using gloves now to handle him so he doesnt bite my fingers. I feel that if i give him eye contact he thinks im focusing on him to get ready to eat him, but im just observing him so I try to keep less eye contact when opening his cage. The only time I prefer to clean his cage is when it starts getting filled with feces or when he his climbing on the screen when hes vulnerable.. I put him on the back of my chair right next to a heater to keep him warm when doing so, the first time i did that he didnt try to run and hide while i wasnt looking at him cleaning his cage. House temperature is always at 70 degrees and has an unusual dryness at 57% humidity (depending on weather). My room with the blanket on the window, door closed, heater on and freshly misted keeps his cage and room temperature at 75 degrees at max and 80+ in basking. I only turn the heater on when it starts to feel cold in the room. All advice on my setup would be much appreciated, if im doing things wrong or could be done better please let me know. It would help me and my chameleons relationship tremendously!
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Please don't give your chameleon d3 everyday. It will build up in his system and kill him. He needs three different supplements. Calcium without D3 a couple times a week. Calcium with D3 twice a month. Since you have been using this everyday, I would not give him anymore at all for a month or two. He also needs a multi vit twice a month. Below is my blog for how I have successfully kept veileds over the years. I'm also linking you a blog about taming your chameleon.
Jann is an absolute authority on keeping Veileds and when I got my male veiled in May of this year (who is now an adult and the epitome of a p*ssy lizard!) I read everything that she had to offer and it has stood me in excellent stead.

Ziggy is still as grumpy as they come, but he now tolerates me to the extent that he will willingly climb out onto my hand if it is offered for a spot of free ranging - but ONLY and I DO MEAN only - on his terms. Sometimes he wants to and sometimes he doesn't and the only time I ever get him out against his will is to clean the viv out completely or take him to the vet.

A word of advice as well, lose the red light. White lights replicate the sun and are much closer to a chameleons natural habitat.
Thank you so much! Much information I will definitely make copies of both links! I received a hand made pamplet of information on how to care for a chameleon from my local petstore and some of the information was misleading as I read more information online.. Im assuming they sell chameleons that didnt get enough social time with humans or hand fed as a young one, and I ended up with one of them. Im just going to have to slowly break him of that. Your information is now my reference, thanks again!
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