my chameleon has some issues .....down there!


New Member
[/B][/I]My chameleon has been eating well and doing its 'business' frequently but
Now theres like clear gooey stuff hanging from his buttafter he goes to th e bathro om... Is that
My chameleon has been eating well and doing its 'business' frequently but
Now theres like clear gooey stuff hanging from his buttafter he goes to th e bathro om... Is that

I think that may just be part of his urine? .. I may be wrong but i've found that before on the bottom of my cage & asked the forums and they said it was normal.. you should post a picture of it just incase
Thanks! Yeah we were wondering why it just hung there for like 20 min but now
Its gone ! Think he was just having trouble. :)
[/B][/I]My chameleon has been eating well and doing its 'business' frequently but
Now theres like clear gooey stuff hanging from his buttafter he goes to th e bathro om... Is that

depends\ how\ long\ you\ ha5ve\ had\ hi6m\ and\ his\ age\ and\ the\ color\ of\ the\ gooey\ stuff.\ it\ could\ be\ fro6m\ dehydration\ if\ u\ just\ got\ hi6m.
sorry\ for\ nu6mbers\ and\ slashes\ co6mputer\ is\ broken:(
Hes a year old , it was clear but thick right after he .. did his business.. but hes
Bright green and blueish (veiled male ) it came out after a little
He wont drink much i try to give him wa
ter many different ways! And its okay lol!
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