My chameleon is dying from kidney failure and I'm heartbroken

Update: Since finding out Randall had kidney failure on Friday I took time off work to spend every minute of the day and night looking after him and making sure he wasn't alone. I've barely ate or slept because I didn't want to miss anything he needs. We had such a good weekend together, basking in the sun and hanging out. The fluids kept him stable but there were signs that it wasn't working. I made arrangements to euthanise him yesterday (01/08) but an hour before his appointment he suddenly gained the strength to climb to his basking spot for the first time in over a week. He finally looked like Randall again. I postponed the appointment and today he seemed to be doing Randall things. Unfortunately he took a turn later in the evening and started to have trouble breathing. The emergency vet only had an exotic vet they could contact by phone if I were to go there, this didn't sound promising to me so I said I will keep him comfortable. He then passed away in my hands, he looked peaceful and I really hope he wasn't in too much pain. My soul aches so much, I already miss him.

However I'm really worried he's not actually dead, he hasn't been responsive for 4 hours but there's no bad smell and his colour has changed. He was dark when he passed but now he's a paler green and showing his 'happy' colours. His body stiffened within 10-15 minutes of him passing away which I feel is quite quick for rigor mortis. He feels stiff on his limbs, his spine and the back of his casque. His hands and feet are now closed however the end of his tail has not stiffened and I can still curl it. He has dark patches on his knees and elbows (possibly blood pooling?') and his eyes are slightly more sunked in. His one eye is open, and his mouth is sealed shut with bright yellow colours around it. I've wrapped him in a towel and will need to place him in the fridge - is this a good idea and is there a chance he may still be alive? I don't want him to be in any kind of pain.
I’m so sorry for your loss. From the sound of it he has definitely passed, sometimes their colors are strange afterword. Sending all the hugs and love 💗 🫂
Update: Since finding out Randall had kidney failure on Friday I took time off work to spend every minute of the day and night looking after him and making sure he wasn't alone. I've barely ate or slept because I didn't want to miss anything he needs. We had such a good weekend together, basking in the sun and hanging out. The fluids kept him stable but there were signs that it wasn't working. I made arrangements to euthanise him yesterday (01/08) but an hour before his appointment he suddenly gained the strength to climb to his basking spot for the first time in over a week. He finally looked like Randall again. I postponed the appointment and today he seemed to be doing Randall things. Unfortunately he took a turn later in the evening and started to have trouble breathing. The emergency vet only had an exotic vet they could contact by phone if I were to go there, this didn't sound promising to me so I said I will keep him comfortable. He then passed away in my hands, he looked peaceful and I really hope he wasn't in too much pain. My soul aches so much, I already miss him.

However I'm really worried he's not actually dead, he hasn't been responsive for 4 hours but there's no bad smell and his colour has changed. He was dark when he passed but now he's a paler green and showing his 'happy' colours. His body stiffened within 10-15 minutes of him passing away which I feel is quite quick for rigor mortis. He feels stiff on his limbs, his spine and the back of his casque. His hands and feet are now closed however the end of his tail has not stiffened and I can still curl it. He has dark patches on his knees and elbows (possibly blood pooling?') and his eyes are slightly more sunked in. His one eye is open, and his mouth is sealed shut with bright yellow colours around it. I've wrapped him in a towel and will need to place him in the fridge - is this a good idea and is there a chance he may still be alive? I don't want him to be in any kind of pain.
I’m extremely sorry for your lost, but you gave him the best possible life still his last seconds of breath. R.I.P. Spike 🙏🏻 Enjoy yummy bugs at your cloud tree 💚

As you describe it, Spike definitely passed away. First they get dark(er) and once they pass they get light and stiffen up.

Again I’m really sorry.
I’m so very sorry. 😞 You gave him a wonderful life, his best chance at recovery and then a peaceful passing. Often before we humans pass, we have a brief rally or surge of energy. It sounds like that is what Randall had and it’s very nice that he was able to enjoy basking under his uvb sun one last time. (((💗)))
Thank you for all your kind and supporting comments, this forum has been so much help over the years. There are so many educated and caring people who all share the same love for chameleons. I hope to also share the knowledge I have gained.

I still feel very traumatised from watching him pass away, but I also feel a sense of relief knowing he's no longer suffering. It's soul aching looking at his empty house with no lights on.

I have two other reptiles I will be doting on, but I don't think I will be ready for another chameleon for a while. 💚
OMG do I know what you are going through. I have many pet friends in my life but two were my best friends. A cat I had for 25 years and a chameleon that the universe provided when I needed something. Both times I was so devastated I couldn’t even think of them without bursting into tears. The e worst thing was the empty cage! With my cat I put off getting another one for three years. It was at the request of my young son who wanted a cat. Now the Cham was a different story. I spoke to my cancer group about it and every single person said I should get another one right away. So I did. It got me out of bed at least but he wasn’t the same. Fast forward, he and I now have a bonded relationship as well as the cat. You see they all have their own personalities but the primary thing that shapes them is you! Since you have two other reptiles, I would let the universe provide! It will when you are ready. Trust in that. And you will have a special relationship with your next one. Your loved one died peacefully in your hands of old age. You can’t ask for better then that! Love and prayers go out to you while you are in this horrible time of grieving. Oh people here said there is a lady on Etsy that will make a stuff animal from Pictures you provide I have my pics etched on mirror. I buried mine in the woods as I live in an apartment and set his feeders free there too. My friend buried her birds in the large planted pros outside her place. I just wrapped mine in a bandana. Just a few ideas for you. 🙏💕😪
Sorry to hear this, as others have mentioned, it is normal to see a surge of energy before animal/people pass. I also might catch some heat for this, but im saying it respectfully as just a person that loves animals and being on a cham forum, it feels the appropriate place to put this…. Handling a sick/dying solitary animal is not comforting for them and adds to the stress. Even cats that are fairly social will prefer to be alone when sick/dying more often than not. I just hope anyone else reading this understands these are wild animals, not companions.
Sorry to hear this, as others have mentioned, it is normal to see a surge of energy before animal/people pass. I also might catch some heat for this, but im saying it respectfully as just a person that loves animals and being on a cham forum, it feels the appropriate place to put this…. Handling a sick/dying solitary animal is not comforting for them and adds to the stress. Even cats that are fairly social will prefer to be alone when sick/dying more often than not. I just hope anyone else reading this understands these are wild animals, not companions.
I'm a herpetologist with degrees in animal behaviour and conservation so I completely understand what you're saying, and it's correct. Humans do anthropomorphise animals. Randall was too weak to hold on to his branches when he was dying and this was visably stressing him out. Once I held him and put him in a comfortable position he was calm and passed away shortly after. He was social and very used to handling.
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