
I'm heart sick, I don't know what to do, I had my only Tsunami son outside today, went to pick my little girl up from school, maybe gone 20 minutes and He's gone, Tsunami part two is gone, He did not escape, his enclosure is all closed up nice and tight like I left it....I'm devastated!!!!


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No way he could have gotten out of the reptibreeze enclosure, it's practically new, no holes and the door was closed and latched :(
I'm so sorry, that's absolutely awful. Maybe try putting up fliers offering a reward for his safe return. I hope you get him back.
I'm going to, plus I called the Cops, I think they found it a little odd! I can't believe someone would do this!!!
That is horrible someone would steal him! But that is the most logical conclusion to come to if there is no way for him to escape. Put flyers around everywhere, and you're probably going to have to offer a reward so the friend of the thief would turn him/her in, or the thief will actually want the money. I would resort to this if I needed to, to get my chameleon back.
I'm going to, plus I called the Cops, I think they found it a little odd! I can't believe someone would do this!!!
I am soooo sorry to hear this.
I know how bad it must feel to lose him.
? Does anyone else know you keep chams and more importantly do you do the "pick your girl up from school and leave your cham unattended outside on a regular basis?
One last thing, I know when I am outside with my group I never never leave them alone. I live way out in the country but even so I have seen have smart they are and how fast they move once they escape.
Are you absolutely sure he didn't find a way to escape.
lastly DO call the police. If someone knows this is your routine you may catch them and get him back
Good Luck!
I'm going to, plus I called the Cops, I think they found it a little odd! I can't believe someone would do this!!!

People who do this kind of thing, suck. I hope they see the fliers and decide to do the right thing. Also, keep an eye on Craigslist and make sure no one nabbed him and decided to try to make a quick buck selling him. You could post a lost ad in the pets section of CL.
People who do this kind of thing, suck. I hope they see the fliers and decide to do the right thing. Also, keep an eye on Craigslist and make sure no one nabbed him and decided to try to make a quick buck selling him. You could post a lost ad in the pets section of CL.

That was my first thought if someone did steal him was sell him and keep the profit so keep an eye out for ads. Hate hearing things like this. hope ends well in the end :)

Did you do a sweep of the yard and your area incase somehow he did escape?
Lost cham

Do you know any kids/adults that know he's there, at times? The flyers are a good thing, parents might see it, as well.

I am so sorry, I hope you find him soon. He is a handsome dude.
I don't typically leave them outside unattended, I was just in hurry today, I'm thinking someone may have seen him as they were walking through the cemetery behind my yard, there is no possible way he could have escaped!!! I'm beyond devastated, as this was part of my several year selective breeding program to get an animal as nice as him, not to mention that I adore each and everyone of my babies, I'm just heart sick :(! Thank you all for the kind words!
: oh that is so sad- I would keep an eye on your yard too- just encase someone like you said saw him, maybe did try to take him, and he got away - that is so sad you can not go away, and leave things out without someone messing w/ things - that is in part why I keep my chams in the same yard w/ our big , not so nice dog - the dog is fine w/ chams, its people he does not like - I will watch ads up this way too - this just stinks :mad:
Was the cage closed and latched when you got back? It seems odd that someone would take the time to close and latch both latches while they were in the process of steeling the chameleon. I don't really have any other explanation, it just seems odd. Hopefully you get him back soon.
Aww geez Anna, I'm really sorry to hear about this. Some people suck farts so hard, I'm surprised they haven't passed out and learned not to keep sucking.

You said you had the cops come, what did they do? I know this sounds a little CSI, and they probably wouldn't take the time, but dusting for prints doesn't sound like a bad idea, as there shouldn't be anyones prints on the cage but your own (or possibly others close to you).

Absolutely watch CL, I wouldn't be surprised if he's up there already. As for flyers, don't give too much information to them. *LOST CHAMELEON, BIG REWARD, CALL #XXXXX* Eventually if someone knows something or cares enough, they'll give you a call, especially if they think there's a lot of money riding on it as previously stated. Crack-heads aren't terribly smart. It probably wouldn't be too terrible an idea to watch the path these people are taking, from a distance, to see if anyone suspicious drops by. Maybe even try baiting them with something valuable, or another animal (as long as you never take your eyes off of it) but I would make this my last option.

In the meantime, check the bushes, check the trees, check the fences, check the neighboring yards. Stranger things have happened, and you wouldn't want to end up following the wrong path (as in someone took him). It's unlikely, but it doesn't hurt to cover every possibility.

It's such a shame, he seems like a relatively friendly animal, which would make taking him even easier for someone. Most people at the sight of a gaping, hissing, lunging chameleon would promptly say "F--- THIS S---!" and move along.

I feel so bad, I wish I lived closer to help out. I hope you won't bash yourself too much, as there was virtually nothing you could do. In fact, it was the love you have for your animals that (possibly) allowed some d-bag to take advantage of your kindness, and unfortunately you can't change most of these people. I really wish you the best of luck, and I'll be hoping for a positive outcome. I'll keep checking back here to see what happens.
I used to work for the sheriff dept and crimes like these are crimes of opportunity. Impulsive people will take the chance when something catches there eye(like a bright beautiful panther). 9 times out of 10 its someone who lives very close that can observe you coming and going so dont leave any rock unturned. You mentioned there's a public place directly behind you (cemetery) so that opens up the ballpark a whole lot wider on who could of snagged him especially if he was in plain view. Make sure you tell your local authorities his value was over 500$. Im not familiar with your local laws but in my state that would mean grand theft which is a felony and puts the case ALOT higher up on detectives/task force to do lists. I'm very sorry this happened and it doesn't sound like he got out on his own. Twenty minutes wouldn't have been enough time to make it out of the yard in my opinion. Good luck and update with any info!!
^^^Listen to this guy.

I'll say that a chameleon can move pretty quickly when it wants to, and in 20 minutes could easily escape view. I will agree that it doesn't sound like he got out of his cage on his own, but it couldn't hurt to look.

For what it's worth, if you happen to find the person who took him, I'd be glad to fly to Ohio to rip them a new cloaca.
Yea, good point they move pretty quick when they want to! So if he got out and wasn't just exploring but was on the move i guess he could be a few houses down easily in 20 min depending on your yard size. Just doesn't sound feasible though with the cage being locked /latched
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