New Member
I have a 2 1/2 year old male panther chameleon who has been healthy until recently. He started eating less and his balance was shaky. He was wobbling from side to side and falling off branches. His skin looked dull and has some white lines that aren’t normal colouring. His conditions and supplementation are stable and approved by our vet. He has seen the vet and has had bloodwork and X-rays that both came back normal. He’s been on antibiotics for 2 weeks for a skin infection and has one week to go with no improvement so far with his skin or balance. He seems to also have sensitivity and weakness in his front feet. He has has 5 subcutaneous fluid injections and we’ve been syringe feeding him Repashi Grub Pie to help him gain a little weight that he had lost. The vet doesn’t know what’s going on with him, other than the skin issue. If anyone has had any similar experiences with their chameleons, please let me know. We’re desperate to help the little guy and we’re worried. Any ideas would be so appreciated.