General Information
Name: Iggy
Age: 3-5 months
Sex: male?
Breed: Veiled Chameleon
Bought from: PetSmart
Time owned: about 2 weeks
Foliage: 2 real plants (pathos), 4 fake plants, bendable vines, branches
Floor: Bare, with one large pot holding the plants covered in moss (to help with humidity)
Temperature (day): basking spot 80-90 with a gradient down to 65-70
Temperature (night): 65-75
Humidity (day): 40-60 (sometimes drops to around 30)
Humidity (night): 50-65
Lighting: Zoomed Reptisun 5.0 UVB compact (upgrading to the bar one soon) , Zoomed tropical heat light. Turned on around 8:00am and off around 9:00pm
Cage: ReptiBreeze 16”x16”x30” (3 sides blocked off to help with humidity)
Misting: once before the light is turned on, once after its turned off, and a few times during the day.
Fogger: goes of for 30 minutes to an hour around 10:00pm
Notes: I’m having trouble keeping the humidity up, but I don’t want to spray it to much cause that could cause an upper respiratory infection.
Feeder insects: Crickets 6-10 a day, Wax worms 3-4 a week
Bug diet: Fluker’s high-calcium cricket diet, Fulker’s cricket quencher, carrots, kale
Supplements: calcium without d3 once a day, Multivitamin with d3 every 3 weeks (once so far)
A few days after we got him we thought he might have an upper respiratory infection, so we took him to the vet, but they said he was fine. Iggy will sometimes look up and poof out his gular pouch and let out a small breath. He seems to be a little stressed so I’m wondering if I need to add more hiding spots in his tank, but he could just be stressed about the transition. His ribs look to be poking out a bit and it seems like it might cause him some trouble beathing and eating sometimes. When he finishes his food he will usually take some breaths and move his gular pouch around like he is struggling to swallow but I don’t know. I believe he broke his ribs as a baby, I don’t think it’s MBD because he is still active, his grip is strong, and I see no swelling around his joints. we are taking him to the vet in a few days for a checkup, but I want to start getting ideas on how to help him.
Name: Iggy
Age: 3-5 months
Sex: male?
Breed: Veiled Chameleon
Bought from: PetSmart
Time owned: about 2 weeks
Foliage: 2 real plants (pathos), 4 fake plants, bendable vines, branches
Floor: Bare, with one large pot holding the plants covered in moss (to help with humidity)
Temperature (day): basking spot 80-90 with a gradient down to 65-70
Temperature (night): 65-75
Humidity (day): 40-60 (sometimes drops to around 30)
Humidity (night): 50-65
Lighting: Zoomed Reptisun 5.0 UVB compact (upgrading to the bar one soon) , Zoomed tropical heat light. Turned on around 8:00am and off around 9:00pm
Cage: ReptiBreeze 16”x16”x30” (3 sides blocked off to help with humidity)
Misting: once before the light is turned on, once after its turned off, and a few times during the day.
Fogger: goes of for 30 minutes to an hour around 10:00pm
Notes: I’m having trouble keeping the humidity up, but I don’t want to spray it to much cause that could cause an upper respiratory infection.
Feeder insects: Crickets 6-10 a day, Wax worms 3-4 a week
Bug diet: Fluker’s high-calcium cricket diet, Fulker’s cricket quencher, carrots, kale
Supplements: calcium without d3 once a day, Multivitamin with d3 every 3 weeks (once so far)
A few days after we got him we thought he might have an upper respiratory infection, so we took him to the vet, but they said he was fine. Iggy will sometimes look up and poof out his gular pouch and let out a small breath. He seems to be a little stressed so I’m wondering if I need to add more hiding spots in his tank, but he could just be stressed about the transition. His ribs look to be poking out a bit and it seems like it might cause him some trouble beathing and eating sometimes. When he finishes his food he will usually take some breaths and move his gular pouch around like he is struggling to swallow but I don’t know. I believe he broke his ribs as a baby, I don’t think it’s MBD because he is still active, his grip is strong, and I see no swelling around his joints. we are taking him to the vet in a few days for a checkup, but I want to start getting ideas on how to help him.