My Chameleon melts out outside


New Member
Yesterday I took my 6 months old Fischer's Chameleon outside to let him look around and get a taste of the outdoors (under close supervision of course.) but when I took him outside, the moment he touched the sunlight he pushed out all the air in him and plopped down on his side! it was bizarre! can anyone provide some insight here?
Yesterday I took my 6 months old Fischer's Chameleon outside to let him look around and get a taste of the outdoors (under close supervision of course.) but when I took him outside, the moment he touched the sunlight he pushed out all the air in him and plopped down on his side! it was bizarre! can anyone provide some insight here?

Fischer's chameleon, as in Kinyogia multituberculata? They are known for flopping to the ground sometimes in an attempt to thwart predators. Most of my chameleons get a 'wild streak' in them when they are housed outdoors for a day.
He got spooked being out in the sunlight. True sunlight is much brighter than flourscent tubes and incandescents- even in the shade it is much brighter (I can't remember the statistic- hundreds of times brighter?)

Also he was probably spooked being out of doors in relatively open. Survival from predators probably kicked in, and you probably looked new and scary in that lighting.

It's funny- a change from indoors to outdoors can have a funny effect on some lizards and not on others. I currently have a pair of iguanas that are very tame indoors, but the second I carry them through an open door they think I'm spooky. I have some bearded dragons that are aggressive as soon as they leave indoors as well. Instantly. I have a couple that stay that way all summer (I keep my lizards outdoors all summer).
Take his entire cage out next time. He will feel more comfy in his own home. That is what I do with all mine. Small chameleons+light weight cages= easy for Cain:D
Maybe you got a mixed breed...A Tennessee Fainting Chameleon!!! lol
not that I want you to scare or stress him..but it might be a cute video!;)
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