My Chameleon Poem.

Hello everyone. After reading a poem that a member on the forums wrote( draetish ), i was inspired to write one about me and Clea. I thought i would like to share will you all. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

Feelings for Clea

When I met you, I couldn’t see,
What you would grow to be
1year later I see what I needed to see

I was always at school thinking about you
Whether your up in a tree, or
Just waiting for me

When ever I see a tree or bush,
I think about how you would like to be,
Up in the tree or bush...with no rush

Your colors lighten me up,
Just like a tulip in a cup

Your size does not matter at all...
Whether you’re big or tall,
You will still be my doll
Hello everyone. After reading a poem that a member on the forums wrote( draetish ), i was inspired to write one about me and Clea. I thought i would like to share will you all. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

Feelings for Clea

When I met you, I couldn’t see,
What you would grow to be
1year later I see what I needed to see

I was always at school thinking about you
Whether your up in a tree, or
Just waiting for me

When ever I see a tree or bush,
I think about how you would like to be,
Up in the tree or bush...with no rush

Your colors lighten me up,
Just like a tulip in a cup

Your size does not matter at all...
Whether you’re big or tall,
You will still be my doll

Stephan this is great with lots of feelings! :)
that was great !!!!!!!! You should write a few more poems about chams in general... you have a way with words and expressing your feelings.
that was great !!!!!!!! You should write a few more poems about chams in general... you have a way with words and expressing your feelings.

Thank you. I will get to writing another one write now

Here is another one i made

Chameleon Colors
You colors can tell me,
What you want or feel
Even if you want to
Go up in a tree

Red, Green, Blue,
You don’t look like a fool
Purple, Orange, Yellow
You make me feel mellow

Colors really tell your mood
Sorry if I misunderstood
Blending in is also something
Colors help do for you

Your colors are only for you
Even when you pose,
Your colors aren’t something
You will lose
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Hahahaha your poem makes me chuckle (in a good way).
This is great, Stefan. Keep up the good job!
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