My Chameleon Viv


Established Member
hi guys after having alot of ideas about building a drainage system and suggestions from my other thread suggesting to move branches higher.

I currently have two live plants. Umbrella and cheese plant growing fast!

I have a lucky reptile nano rain/mist maker.

I also drilled 5 small holes in botterm of viv and top of the cabinet and tested to see if it works and it works great!

From what you can see from my picture there is a vine attrached to randell viv and a tree outside. Randell spends most of his time outside of his cage he goes into his cage to bask and comes straight back out.

Heres the picture :)


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Thats cool, if my girl sees me she runs, she hates everyone but to her we are just monsters. Does he get enough UVB being out as much?
Thats cool, if my girl sees me she runs, she hates everyone but to her we are just monsters. Does he get enough UVB being out as much?
According to my mother when im at work he spends most of his time under the uvb light and when im home he comes out.
You could maybe train/tame her will take time but so worth it. My cham had started to let me stroke his beard and he climbs into me if i have food. Has taken soo long to gain this trust
Make sure your Cham is getting enough uvb, you need to study your animal yourself, you may be accidentally depriving your Cham of uvb, better to prevent an issue beforehand
Make sure your Cham is getting enough uvb, you need to study your animal yourself, you may be accidentally depriving your Cham of uvb, better to prevent an issue beforehand
Good point is there away to tell if he's lacking uvb? Anyways i managed lock him in his cage and make a routine that he can comeout to sleep
I don't think there's a way to tell if he's not getting enough until it's already been happening for a while and he starts showing signs. I think Alexander is referring to the fact that you are being told he spends a lot of time inside and only comes out when you come home and that you are not witnessing it yourself. My suggestion would be, if he spends a lot of time in the free range, get a second set of lights to put on the free range. That way, even when he's out, he's covered.
Im going going make sure he spends more time in his viv

Forgive me, I read basically every post since becoming a moderator, and it can be difficult to keep track...

Is free ranging not an option? You could set up a free range with the proper lighting and misting and not worry about it as much. There are some really cool free range set ups out there.
Forgive me, I read basically every post since becoming a moderator, and it can be difficult to keep track...

Is free ranging not an option? You could set up a free range with the proper lighting and misting and not worry about it as much. There are some really cool free range set ups out there.
For the time being considering christmas around the corner. But i think ill invest in free range set up
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