My Chameleon wants out!


New Member
I let my cham. explore my room yesterday... and now he wants nothing more than to be out of his cage... looking back, I probably shouldn't have given him the taste of the outside world :/
Just ensure his cage is large enough and provide as natural (safe) an environment as possible. He'll be fine. :)
I let my cham. explore my room yesterday... and now he wants nothing more than to be out of his cage... looking back, I probably shouldn't have given him the taste of the outside world :/

I seem to be having the same problem, wish he'd forget soon about being outside his cage and go back to how he was prior to letting him roam.
Aaaw he`s curious bless him :) Gizzy was like that after her first little jaunt too. I think chams must be the nosiest animals on earth.
Yes they are definitely curious characters, I try to keep mine stimulated as much as possible, Active and happy.
They love flying bugs, moths especially, they track them like a fighter jet locking on its target! :)
An occasional breeze makes the plants move as they would outside and refreshes the air
in the room, misting keeps humidity at nice levels.
But there is nothing like a jaunt outside to keep them interested in their world, and ofcourse get their uvb delivered D3 too! :)
Who wants to patrol the same few feet of space when theres trees outside!
Homer gets downright insistent (to stay out there) , to say the least, but eventually
Im going to win! :D
My Nosy Be surprised me this morning. I opened his cage to feed him and he ambled right out and did not want to go back in. I put him up in a ficus tree and he stayed there most of the morning. Yesterday I noticed he was quite dark and sulky looking while in his cage. The minute I took him out and put him on the ficus, he lightened right up.
Maybe now he associates the cage being open as a ticket to being put up on the tree.
Gringo always wants to do that too! He just plants his wee hands against the glass trying to get out. Then he goes exploring all over my living room. Nosy wee thing! Haha.

Don't worry about it too much. He just loves you ;)
All my guyz do that. Once they get to explore outside their cage, they will beg to be let out from then on.

Smeagie drives me crazy scratching on his cage door and making as much racket as possible until I finally give in and let him out.

Noogie will reach his little arms out to me when I get close, he always wants out too!!

Kokie just puts his face to the door and stares at it, waiting for it to open :rolleyes:, then, he likes to 'sneek' out when I'm not looking :p
I have a schedule for my boys when they get here in July. From 5:30pm to 7pm is free range time. I would let them out earlier but I have a babysitting job at my house and that may be the only time they can come out. When I get my girls I plan on doing the same thing in a different free range spot lol
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