My chameleons on hunger strike


New Member
Hi i have a male veiled chameleon. He is 18 months old and has recently stopped eating. Usually he will eat whatever i put in his enclosure but now he jusy leaves the food. I saw him eat a locust yesterday but apart from that i haven't seen him eat much for over a week.

I've looked on the internet to find out if this is normal and some people say that their chameleons have done the same for up to 2 weeks because they got bored of their food.

I feed him a variety of food (locusts, crickets, mealworms and waxworms) and he still doesn't want to know.

i will be very happy with any feedback you could give me. i don't know if im gutloading properly and that might be why he doesn't like the food.
try green or blue horn worms that should get back in the swing of things or try silk worms i had this prib and a good shower and alil time and she started eating like a pig
How much did you feed him a day before that? I've heard of chams going off food for a week just because they were fed too much before.
Have you found any feces in the last week? Impaction is also a reason for them to stop eating.

And don't forget that adult chameleons can go without food for a week or more without ill effects.
i live in the uk so horn worms are hard to find i've never tried him with silk worms so i'll give that a go.

I normally feed him every other day and the amount depends on what i'm feeding him
try mantis, super worms, indian stick bugs, panchlora nivea, and blue bottle or house flies.
Those insects for sure will create enough interest for your chameleon.
My guys are the same. I just kinda vary the feeding amounts. Fred is a bit on the fat side, so I feed him less right now. They will eat like cows one day and not want food for a day or two. Sometimes I will offer some Silkies or Horn worms for a few days straight and they won't take them after a couple of days worth. Then just to be on the safe side I'll put some crickets in thier cups and as soon as they see me place the crickets they go nuts and eat them right away.

What I would do.... Don't give him food tomorrow or the next day. Then offer him the normal food you have. If he pigs out then just cut back to feeding every other day in less amounts. Also try some silkies and horn worms. If you get a hold of them you can do some research about breeding the worms.
I've got an 20 month male veiled that is pretty much doing the same thing. The only thing I've found him to eat is a superworm or two. He's been at it for a week or so, but hasn't lost any weight.

He'll eat 1 of something new, then quit on it as well. I'll probably hold him off for a couple days and see what he does.

All in all, it's a problem quite a few folks have had. If he quits pooping, starts losing weight, or starts to look dehydrated, you might want to look into a vet visit.
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