My Crazy Eyes cham!

Ki looks great! I love the orange on his throat. He looks a lot like his Great grandpa, Ziggy!
You know I didn't notice that until you mentioned it.
This is the only photo I found of Ziggy



Ki has the same crazy stars around the eyes but not as much yellow as Mogli.
Who does Mogli take after I wonder?
You know I didn't notice that until you mentioned it.
This is the only photo I found of Ziggy

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Ki has the same crazy stars around the eyes but not as much yellow as Mogli.
Who does Mogli take after I wonder?

It is really cool seeing the picture of Ki and Ziggy side by side. I have no idea who Mogli takes after. I like to think of him as pretty unique coming from a really strong RBBB bloodline :p

WOW! :eek: Mogli looks fantastic! What a pretty boy! I love that yellow. :)

Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. I have yellow fever because of him lol
here are a few newer pictures.


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Mogli turned 1 year old today! Thought it would be a good time to post a few update pictures of him. I weighed/measured him today. He is 170g on the dot and 18 inches long


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Here are a few more


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My little guy is showing some nice blue bars at only 4.5 months old


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Another shed!

during moglis short stay at my parents house while i was in between apartments he decided it was a good time to shed. happy with his new suit. the blue bars on his belly are turning white


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Wow dude he is incredible! I cant wait to get my scotty/iris offspring
I have my one yr old from sulu who is turning out beautiful
U have one rad cham hoff he looks great


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during moglis short stay at my parents house while i was in between apartments he decided it was a good time to shed. happy with his new suit. the blue bars on his belly are turning white

He looks great. Love the red/white spines on his back. Stunner for sure.
during moglis short stay at my parents house while i was in between apartments he decided it was a good time to shed. happy with his new suit. the blue bars on his belly are turning white
He looks really nice. I love the yellow :cool:
Wow dude he is incredible! I cant wait to get my scotty/iris offspring
I have my one yr old from sulu who is turning out beautiful
U have one rad cham hoff he looks great

Thanks Timmy! I think we got our boys around the same time. Is your guy from sulu/Ahura? or Sulu/shortcake? your guy looks great by the way. I was looking for a panther right after I sold my veiled when I came across a picture of scotty. Thats when i knew where i was going to get my first panther chameleon. It just so happened that Brian had eggs from Scotty that hatched a month earlier. I asked to be put on the list and my guy ended up being the 1st scotty offspring ever sold. I lucked out big time with my guy.

Ya we def got them at same time.
thats funny u say that about scotty because he caught my att as well and I got a
CRAZY EYES CHAMELEON . Brian has his eye on a scotty boy for me out of the up and coming kids . I want red b bb red red red red !! Lol
I bet u wernt expecting yellow and blue lol mowgli is Fnnn SICK tho I cant wait for my scotty boy
I most definitely was not expecting my guy to be so yellow! I wasnt sure how i felt about it at first because I was expecting a RBBB coming from Scotty. but I have grown to absolutely love the yellow and blue. Even Brian said he was surprised at how mogli has grown to look. Mogli not taking after his sire has made it so interesting to watch him grow. every shed is a surprise. Im sure Brian will pick you out a great one. He did for me!:D its hard to predict what they will look like at such a young age.
your guy turned out to be a seriously insane panther. That is a panther I wouldn't even sell for 2 grand..... I sold my crazy eyes cham simply because he turned out to be more red bar. He was nice but went to someone that was more concentrated on breeding red bars. He sure wasn't as amazing as this guy!! And you said he was 18 inches at 9 months? That's so crazy, I had a male grow more even after a year old, so did mogil get any longerr? Seriously man, congratulations. Probably the best 280 bucks you ever spent lol
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