My Experiment Worked!


New Member
So I felt like going to the pet store every weekend was getting boring so why not breed my own crickets?
As the header worked.
I have about 20-30 pinheads currently. Do they need any special care?
Ive got them in a separate "bebe" enclosure away from the "big guys".
How long does it usually take to get them ready to breed?
I didnt really do any research, just stuck an old meal worm container in there w/ good potting soil and a week-ish later, Ive got babies.
I've got the Flukers dry food and one Flukers orange cubes in there w them as well as a partial part of a papertowel roll to hide in.
The small enclosure is sitting inside my cham cage at the bottom directly under the heat light. Not too hot/Not too cold...just to give them a bit more warmth than they would have outside of the enclosure. Cham doesnt mind it...he looked @ me like "WTF?" but has been ok w it since.
Any info would help!
Thanks Ya'll!
Well congrats on the breeding, I want to do the same but id hate for them babies to get out. Only thing is I would take the container out of the chams cage cause it will eventually start to shoot at them and could hurts his tongue.
Well congrats on the breeding, I want to do the same but id hate for them babies to get out. Only thing is I would take the container out of the chams cage cause it will eventually start to shoot at them and could hurts his tongue.
Im going to remove the small cage in about another week...just to make sure the hearty ones make it through the first week. (theyre too small to even attract his attention)
I just got one of the smallest critter cages..the sides are smooth and clean...they can get about a 4th of the way up, then they fall...been paying close attention because even if my cats would like to chase them i dont want crickets running around everywhere! lol
Do you have any knowledge on how quickly they age?
Na im not too sure. It takes quite a while. I had bought 500 baby crickets for my beardie when I first got him and he out grew them and was ready for med/large in no time granted beardies grow pretty fast. Anywho i know breeding your own feeder colonies is a lengthy process to get started so youll still have to buy crickets for a while.
The only thing I can think of is to keep them on the warm side, and make sure they always have lots of food. I was buying a lot of pinheads, and I found they eat A LOT, and they also didn't do very well in my cooler basement. The 1/8" and bigger were fine, but not the little guys. Forget to feed them for a couple of days, and they're done.

Just remember to remove dead crickets they seem to spread death lol anyway I gave up on crickets roaches so much easier and live birth and no escapes.
Just remember to remove dead crickets they seem to spread death lol anyway I gave up on crickets roaches so much easier and live birth and no escapes.

How does the whole roach thing work? How do they escape less than crickets...always thought reaches were pretty good about getting away :)
congrats on the success..ya i gave up on crickets cause after about 6 er 7 months they just stink it up...i used large tupperware bins with smaller ones inside with smaller and smaller holes(for the smaller crickets to fit through)..i kept it at about 70 degrees and 50 or so humidity.."remember to remove the dead crickets as they seem to spread death" lmao soo true
They can't jump

Roaches don't jump oh yeah and they don't smell too bad but yeah depends on the roach of how good it can escape. I have dubias which can't climb and aren't that fast so housed in a tub they can't get out. I also have lobsters which I like much better because they breed so fast but they are faster and can climb but with a vasaline barrier they never get out and they aren't as good at climbing as I have heard for example they can't escape a mcdonalds cup. AnywAy whenever I'd try and round up and dust crickets at least one would jump away and roaches don't.
Ive had some cricket escapees and while they can stink up the joint, its not so bad if u keep up regular cleaning. I have dubia as well but for the most part I love crickets as feeders.
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