New Member
My girl is now around 9 months old. In the last two weeks she has changed colors from a pale green to a more complex pattern. Here are some photos of Mingus:
This pattern is kind of permanent, she shows darker colors when excited or stressed, and somewhat lighter during rest, but the pattern remains. She is not turning back to her pale green colors, only when she sleeps. She has also been somewhat restless, moving a lot inside her cage in the top of the branches. She is not constantly exploring the understory. Previously she liked to stay in a branch most of the day. She is also accepting less food. Previously I was feeding her with 12 feeders (mainly crickets and small dubia or runner roaches) each day, now she barely accepts 6. Are those their adult colors? Is she showing sexual receptiveness? Or is she looking a place to lay eggs? Should I start to feed her less items? I've already installed an egg laying bin just in case, but I don't know if it would be time to give her more privacy to lay eggs. How can I feed her during the egg laying period without disturbing her?
I also want to show you a graph of Mingus' growth in the last months under this feeding regime. She weighted 94 grams on September 22nd. Until August I was feeding her 8 feeders. Then I increased to 12. Does she has a healthy weight?
Thanks a lot for you attention and good advice.
I hope all your chameleons are doing great!
This pattern is kind of permanent, she shows darker colors when excited or stressed, and somewhat lighter during rest, but the pattern remains. She is not turning back to her pale green colors, only when she sleeps. She has also been somewhat restless, moving a lot inside her cage in the top of the branches. She is not constantly exploring the understory. Previously she liked to stay in a branch most of the day. She is also accepting less food. Previously I was feeding her with 12 feeders (mainly crickets and small dubia or runner roaches) each day, now she barely accepts 6. Are those their adult colors? Is she showing sexual receptiveness? Or is she looking a place to lay eggs? Should I start to feed her less items? I've already installed an egg laying bin just in case, but I don't know if it would be time to give her more privacy to lay eggs. How can I feed her during the egg laying period without disturbing her?
I also want to show you a graph of Mingus' growth in the last months under this feeding regime. She weighted 94 grams on September 22nd. Until August I was feeding her 8 feeders. Then I increased to 12. Does she has a healthy weight?
Thanks a lot for you attention and good advice.
I hope all your chameleons are doing great!