My first female: Vet time or breeding colors?


New Member
My first female is right around the time for her first egg laying (she is about 8 months old) and has not been mated as far as I know; however, she is free-ranged with my male so it is possible they mated when I wasn't around.

Anyway, as of the past 2-3 days she has been noticeably darker and I am concerned about her egg-laying status.

She does have some bins but ignores them.

Pic attached.

Thanks !


  • 2012-06-13_13-58-00_158.jpg
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If she free ranges with a male then they have probably mated. She does look wide and could be carrying eggs. I'd give her some liquid can't hurt.
so her colors look ok for mating colors ? I shouldn't be paranoid that she's sick?

I'm just not used to her being dark all the time, she is usually a really bright pink (ESP when sleeping...but currently she stays kinda dark even when sleeping)....especially since my male escaped a few days ago he hasn't been around, but she's still dark :(
Dark colors can mean that she is carrying eggs but no way to know for sure without an Xray. A vet check up is always a good thing, if she hasn't had one lately I'd take her in just to make sure everything is ok.
she did have one recently which is why I want to avoid going again :p

last time he x-rayed her and eggs were developing, so I'm pretty sure thats what it is, thanks.
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