My First Little Guy- Here Today!


New Member
Here are some pics, I just got my first chameleon from FL Chams, he's a newton bloodline veiled, I only took one picture of him cuz i really wanted to leave him be for a day. Other than that things have been good, not to overwhelm him but i put a couple super worms in his feeding bowl just incase and everythings going great The one problem I am having is maintaining temps, I've been practicing for a week but the temps outside are changing just as much. Anyways thats it, feel free t critique the enclosure, I borrowed someones rope idea and got 4 live plants. The cage itself is a modified birds cage, the whole set up cost me like 30 bucks not including the tube light

yeah they're really small, one of them molted in the feeder cup tho, so i toook the shell out, mostly cuz i didnt know what thatd do =P He is reallly little, like pinkie finger sized. FLchams claims 2 months but idk, i asked for his hatch date too to celebrate birthdays so i guess i'll find out then. Anybody else on here do birthdays?
Good looking cham, I'm sure he will love his new home. I actually have one of his brothers, have had him for 6 weeks today and is doing great. Mine came really small as well but don't worry they grow extremely fast. I picked up a scale to keep track of his growth. The first time i weighed him which was around 3.5 weeks from the day i received him, he weighed 15.4 grams. I weighed him again around 2.5 weeks later (today actually) and he weighs 34.0 grams. He is definitely noticeably larger as well and seems to be much more agile when maneuvering through his cage.
yeah they're really small, one of them molted in the feeder cup tho, so i toook the shell out, mostly cuz i didnt know what thatd do =P He is reallly little, like pinkie finger sized. FLchams claims 2 months but idk, i asked for his hatch date too to celebrate birthdays so i guess i'll find out then. Anybody else on here do birthdays?

2 months sounds good for pinky size..have you thought about a gram scale?? its kinda fun to monitor their growing weight every month..:D
Good looking cham, I'm sure he will love his new home. I actually have one of his brothers, have had him for 6 weeks today and is doing great. Mine came really small as well but don't worry they grow extremely fast. I picked up a scale to keep track of his growth. The first time i weighed him which was around 3.5 weeks from the day i received him, he weighed 15.4 grams. I weighed him again around 2.5 weeks later (today actually) and he weighs 34.0 grams. He is definitely noticeably larger as well and seems to be much more agile when maneuvering through his cage.

haha didnt even look at your post before i responded.."great minds think alike" LOL
haha didnt even look at your post before i responded.."great minds think alike" LOL

Haha that's too funny, figured a gram scale would be a great way to keep track of his growth. Also can let me know if things start going down hill.
2 months sounds good for pinky size..have you thought about a gram scale?? its kinda fun to monitor their growing weight every month..:D

Yeah I was trying to decide what to do, I was either going to buy a gram scale, or put him up against the door frame and mark his height differences every week. Im leaning towards door frame:eek:
hey good luck with the new cham. try to def stay away from feeding anything but crickets at first. if you any to try some other feeders try out waxworms. they are much softer and easier for them to eat. the suerworms are way to hard and hard to digest. also if them are not digested right they can damage the cham stomach not such a good idea. play it safe until he gets bigger. plus the crickets are way easier to dust with the vitamins. the vitamins do not stick to the superworms or mealworms.
Should i be dusting vitamins more often with a baby? thanks for the advise ill hold on to the supers, how long should i wait?
Nice idea on the cage, if I wasn't such an overachiever I'd wish i had done that instead of the 700$ on tools and materials to make mine. Damn.

Also, for such a small Cham, i know its been brought up to me before. is the feeder cup small enough for him to climb out in the case he does, somehow, make his way in. Whether it be a fall or just exploration?
hey good luck with the new cham. try to def stay away from feeding anything but crickets at first. if you any to try some other feeders try out waxworms. they are much softer and easier for them to eat. the suerworms are way to hard and hard to digest. also if them are not digested right they can damage the cham stomach not such a good idea. play it safe until he gets bigger. plus the crickets are way easier to dust with the vitamins. the vitamins do not stick to the superworms or mealworms.

DO NOT FEED WAXWORMS! They are a fatty feeder. Stick to silkworms, hornworms, or calci worms for babies. Wax worms are by far the worst nutritionally for your animal than any other feeder. Just like buying him a piece of fried food. Wax worms are only good for severely underweight animals that need to put on weight fast. And deven then once you start feeding them your cham may decide it wants to feed on only waxies, in which case your in deep doo doo....
AHHHHHHH! he really likes them climbing on the screen, i kow cuz he's shot 4! i think 5 is what i was planning for the day
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