My first panther - bluebar ambilobe


New Member
obtained from mike of flchams as subadult? juvenile bluebar 350.00 everything I've ever got from mike has been beyond quality which leads me to belief his quality control is very very good in his breeding programs....I expect by the time the cham gets to me the buyer...anything extraordinary would have been picked out ahead of time by the hands of greed....but with mike...I've always received something extraordinary in the many veileds i've purchased from him

this is my first panther chameleon.... and he looks to be a real winner.

I don't know who sired him of mikes breeders but I believe mike said it was wuerful...I sure hope so phantom is a beauty as well

anyways I'm not very good at looking at a chameleon and telling what its going to look like although the blue bars do look pretty distinct and i've seen him flash red throughout the underside of his body much like wuerful

does anyone have any good pics as to what this guy may end up looking like thanks!

looking blue! can't really tell you what he'll look like but my panther has gone through many color stages so far, and doesn't really look anything like the day I got him, so depending on your cham's exact age, he could end up changing quite a bit. But hey that's half the fun of owning these little beasts, you wake up one morning, go check him out and see new colors and patterns starting to show up all the time

and I like the view you have from your back yard/porch, looks very floridian (I might be way off)
Very handsome. He's studying you, and the camera, too. They definitely record facial features. Patterns mean so much to them. I was surprised when we introduced our first veiled cham to company and I realized, for the first time, that he recognized me. He definitely favored me over the visitors, which, of course, made me feel good. I realized, duh, he sees me everyday. But still, I never expected any sort of rapport to develop. For instance, I now know he prefers to see me with my glasses on. Perhaps he thinks the "me" that does not wear glasses (and hence has a different facial pattern) is actually a different individual. Anyway, I'm rambling. Very handsome chameleon.
gesang, excellent point! i have noticed similar instances, there is something instinctual about the focusing of the eyeball that alerts the chams whereas if they cannot see your eye, there is no reaction....but when you focus on them esp veiled they let you know immediately they don't like the stare down whether they snap at you or its just a subtle bashfulness....good point though really gets me thinking
funny you say that, I actually guessed florida cause it reminded me of the houses/yards I saw when we visited my cousin who was living in the zephyr hills area at the time, that might not be the name of where she lived but I know it was one of those new developments not far from tampa
yes I def did, and now mike has those super nifty digital photoframes at his booth ... so he pulled them up for me , I'm thinking he is going to look exactly like his father as well but what do I know
Yeah those digital picture frames are HOT. I got a female ambi from Mike @ FL chams as well this weekend... I'll have to post some pics soon.
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