My First Reptile Show!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Yesterday, I went to my very first reptile show, where I got my first Crested Gecko! :D I also saw baby Panthers and a Fishers cham too! By far the best thing I saw was a pair of adult Melleri!! OMG! They were stunning! Until yesterday I have only ever seen Veileds, Pygmies and a tiny baby Jackson, so I had a brilliant day!
Most definitely! If I had the room and the money I would have bought them! They were so big and lovely! The stallholder was trying to persuade me and Anita (Chameleon Lady) to buy one each. Sadly, I just don't have a spare £450 (or £740 for both) or the room to house them. :( It was soooo hard to walk away. They did get sold though! There was also a 'breeding pair' of Veiled, but they were housed together and I've never seen such a small adult male. Something wasn't quite right there and I don't think they sold them.

Thanks, my Crestie is beautiful - I love him already!:D
Your crestie is gorgeous, I love seeing the pics you post so keep the coming. I am glad you enjoyed the show you went to, there fun! I also went to my first one in Orlando FL this past Saturday. It was a very lovely experience and we came home with a Savannah Monitor. It was fun and quite an experience will be going to the local one when it comes in May for sure.
Hi miss lilly

I was at the show too!! a few days before i'd bought my cham off the chap that had the mellers!! they are stunners.
I just went to my first Reptile Show too. I came home with 5 Posion Dart Frogs:eek:. This will be a new experiance for me. I am hooked on reptile shows now. I love them. So many neat animals.
the melleri arnt usually that much. i saw some really nice sub aduld wc that were in really good condition for £225 and they had bought over around 30 of them!
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