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Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Sub-Adult Jacksonii Jacksonii Male
Handling - I will rarely handle most once or twice a week (he does not like to be held).
Feeding - He use to eat about 5-8 crickets in the morning. lights on at 7am, misting around 7:15ish, 7:30ish and feed right after. He was also eating super worms, meal worms, repti worms and silk worms. all the little critters are gutloaded with fruits and appropriate substance(the cricket water, etc).
Supplements - I am dusting the crickets with calcium (no phosphorus or D3....ive always felt that its very easy to 'overdoes' them with phosphorus and D3).
Watering - He gets misted a minimum of three times a day and also has a humidity level of between 60-80% and also has a drip system that stays on for the 10-12 hours that he is awake.
Fecal Description - Before he stopped, they were what i thought normal. he had the usual little dark brownish ones and then the white ones.
History - All i was told was that he was captive breed.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - He has a screen cage 36"H X 23"W X 23"D
Lighting - I have a a repti-bulb 10 uvb bulb on him from 7am to 7pm (i use the 10 uvb vs the 5 uvb because of all the foliage in his cage and because the screen is somewhat dark so this maximizes the uvb rays that can penetrate). we also have a heat lap and the room he is in (it is our specific reptile room) has daylight lightbulbs on.
Temperature - temp stays at the highest (where the basking spot is) around 80 and the coolest part is about 69. at night, we do drop the temperature for them to about 65
Humidity - custom made humidifier for his cage (stays between 50-80%)
Plants -we have two large dracaena plants in his cage. about three large fake foliage garland (appropriately distributed). we also have a rope system and branches with different levels.
Placement - We have a room dedicated to our animals so there is little to no traffic. he is in the corner of the room elevated from the floor.
Location - Chicago, Illinois
Current Problem -
So I have had Ivan for about a month now and when we first got him he was so happy and healthy....always moving around and in the morning he would get his feeding (and he would eat his fill, about 5-8 crickets a day). I then introduced some super worms and he loved them (would eat about 2-4 a day as well). When I would mist him, I would see him curl with the leaf and start drinking (we also have a drip system for him) and it has now been about 2 1/2 weeks and he has not eaten or pooped. i have tried giving him crickets, superworms, repti-worms, meal worms, and silk worms and he doesnt want any of it. I dont ever notice him drinking anymore (not like he use to) and he is starting to climb on and off the mesh cage. he doesnt look like he is about to shed or has just shed...but just the strangest thing is that in all honesty...he looks ok. his eyes are very healthy (not sunken in or deformed). he still gets bright and wakes up on time and goes to sleep at the right time (on some occasions he likes to fall asleep an hour early)......but no eating or defecating is not so worried

I dont know if the super worms have caused some sort of protein constipation but I am planning on taking him a warm bath once i get that ok for me to do with a jacksonii jacksonii male? would anyone know what is wrong or what i can do? i feel that even though all chameleons have similar care, jacksonii jacsonii sometimes really enjoy some different if anyone has any advice we would really appreciate it! thank you all so much
Your Chameleon - Sub-Adult Jacksonii Jacksonii Male
Handling - I will rarely handle most once or twice a week (he does not like to be held).
Feeding - He use to eat about 5-8 crickets in the morning. lights on at 7am, misting around 7:15ish, 7:30ish and feed right after. He was also eating super worms, meal worms, repti worms and silk worms. all the little critters are gutloaded with fruits and appropriate substance(the cricket water, etc).
Supplements - I am dusting the crickets with calcium (no phosphorus or D3....ive always felt that its very easy to 'overdoes' them with phosphorus and D3).
Watering - He gets misted a minimum of three times a day and also has a humidity level of between 60-80% and also has a drip system that stays on for the 10-12 hours that he is awake.
Fecal Description - Before he stopped, they were what i thought normal. he had the usual little dark brownish ones and then the white ones.
History - All i was told was that he was captive breed.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - He has a screen cage 36"H X 23"W X 23"D
Lighting - I have a a repti-bulb 10 uvb bulb on him from 7am to 7pm (i use the 10 uvb vs the 5 uvb because of all the foliage in his cage and because the screen is somewhat dark so this maximizes the uvb rays that can penetrate). we also have a heat lap and the room he is in (it is our specific reptile room) has daylight lightbulbs on.
Temperature - temp stays at the highest (where the basking spot is) around 80 and the coolest part is about 69. at night, we do drop the temperature for them to about 65
Humidity - custom made humidifier for his cage (stays between 50-80%)
Plants -we have two large dracaena plants in his cage. about three large fake foliage garland (appropriately distributed). we also have a rope system and branches with different levels.
Placement - We have a room dedicated to our animals so there is little to no traffic. he is in the corner of the room elevated from the floor.
Location - Chicago, Illinois
Current Problem -
So I have had Ivan for about a month now and when we first got him he was so happy and healthy....always moving around and in the morning he would get his feeding (and he would eat his fill, about 5-8 crickets a day). I then introduced some super worms and he loved them (would eat about 2-4 a day as well). When I would mist him, I would see him curl with the leaf and start drinking (we also have a drip system for him) and it has now been about 2 1/2 weeks and he has not eaten or pooped. i have tried giving him crickets, superworms, repti-worms, meal worms, and silk worms and he doesnt want any of it. I dont ever notice him drinking anymore (not like he use to) and he is starting to climb on and off the mesh cage. he doesnt look like he is about to shed or has just shed...but just the strangest thing is that in all honesty...he looks ok. his eyes are very healthy (not sunken in or deformed). he still gets bright and wakes up on time and goes to sleep at the right time (on some occasions he likes to fall asleep an hour early)......but no eating or defecating is not so worried
I dont know if the super worms have caused some sort of protein constipation but I am planning on taking him a warm bath once i get that ok for me to do with a jacksonii jacksonii male? would anyone know what is wrong or what i can do? i feel that even though all chameleons have similar care, jacksonii jacsonii sometimes really enjoy some different if anyone has any advice we would really appreciate it! thank you all so much