My Jackson Cham ICARUS is gone!

I lost a jackson once, and I spent every morning with binoculars looking for him to be basking in the morning sun. One day, a week or so later, I found him at the top of a 30' tree in the neighbors yard. My husband got out the extension ladder and used a long stick to reach him.
Don't give up!
This may be too obvious but early in the morning look on the east sides of trees and bushes and in the evening the west but at night(with your flashlight) look back on the east side- they tend to move where they will catch the first sun for the following morning.
Good Luck
Thanks everyone.

Yeah, i know he needs to warm up so that first few hours of early morning sun, is going to be very attractive to him. We have huge trees in our yard covered in vines and leaves, if he is up there, i'm going to have a hell of a time spotting him….

..the search continues.
Heres a potential trick I read about in one of those old antique pet store books when I was a kid. Why I remember it, I'll never know.

Take something that will attract a lot of flies. In this decrepid book, it mentioned a piece of meat. But something that with go rancid and attract them, and tie it to a branch. Sooner or later the flies should come. And hopefully, he'll be drawn to that.

Its a long long long shot, but it serves to makes sense as to what would attract a chameleon. And what do you have to lose?
Still no luck. I've been out there several hours a day, each day, both day and night; but still nothing.

It's hard, but i'm ready to give up and get myself another Jackson in a week or two.

I've been worried since we have hardly had any rain/dew here in MD in the last week or so and i know how much Jackson's love water...:(

Can't tell you how sorry I am this happened. I will still pray he will show up. Couldn't imagine how you feel.:(
Maybe hose down one shrub in the yard a few times a day? He may be attracted to the water... Just a thought. I'm worried about your little guy. :(
Maybe hose down one shrub in the yard a few times a day? He may be attracted to the water... Just a thought. I'm worried about your little guy. :(

You may even want to set up a dripper. That could be just what he is looking for.
Well, an idea that comes to my mind is this:
I've noticed that my chamy hates it when I spray him or even drip water on him, he doesn't like to have any direct contact with water. Your Icarus, from what I understand is in your back yard, presuming you got a hose or something start spraying every single thing around you for some short intervals and observe if something starts moving. Because for me the hardest way to spot a cham is if he's not moving at all. If he gets aggravated from the water and tries to get out of the way that would be for me the easiest way to spot him.
Even though my new Cham Romulus is settling in quite nicely, i'm still hanging onto hope for Icarus.

Too bad you don't have a female to act as a lure.

I hope you're able to find him.

Many years ago I had lost a young Senegal outside. in late May and I thought he had been eaten by a bird.
One day in September, I found him only a few feet from where he was lost, in a patch of Raspberry bushes.
He was double the size!

Best of luck to you.
The best time to find an escaped cham is to look at night.. I have had a few chams escape an have found all of them using a portable Qbeam spot light its a rechargeable spotlight a sleeping cham sticks out among the trees and shrubs
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