my jacksons chameleon just gave birth to 8 babies!! what do i feed them?

alex arango

New Member
so my jackson chameleon just laid 8 babies in her cage and i need to find what to feed them?? and is it ok if i leave them in the same cage that there mom n dad are in ? how many does a one n 3 month old jackson's chameleon usually have?
yeah remove them immediately.

from what i understand live bearing females appetites will diminish up to and shortly after birth.

if theres a male in there, there is nothing stopping him from eating them.

btw you house your pair together?
we have a glass tank with a screen lid, is it ok to place the babies in there? untill we can either make or buy a cage for them. also what could we use for water in the tank with the babies? use another water fountain?
we have a glass tank with a screen lid, is it ok to place the babies in there? untill we can either make or buy a cage for them. also what could we use for water in the tank with the babies? use another water fountain?

glass tank is fine for baby just keep it clean they poop a lot. i use big tupperware tubs for neonates, as do many keepers.

a water fountain? is this an april fools joke?

like...what do you mean by water fountain?

use a spray and a very infrequent drip. get the leaves nice and coated. but dont over water. little babys can drown on droplets.
yea water fautain? i see them drink more out of water fautains they sale a target n stuff than the ones they sale at a local pet store, so i bought each a water fautain for each cage and they are working great. so how many babies does a one year old chameleon lay? doea she lay them all in one day? she laid 8 n looks pretty skinny now but i cant tell if she still any left in her
A glass tank will do temporarily & is important to seperate them from the adults right away. Don't use a heat light because the glass tank retains too much heat for them. Use just a UV light & put some leaves & twigs in there & mist them often until you can get them into a screen cage. You should provide fruit flies in a day or two. They won't eat right away .
ok we are about to head to the pet store for some pin head and or crickets, how shoould we place the cricket or the pin head in there tank? just place them in there and let the babies find them? also what temperature should it be in there tank?
A safe temp gradient for newborns is 65 to a 75 degrees. You can increase the range as they get older but more importantly they need air flow & humidity.
ok we are about to head to the pet store for some pin head and or crickets, how shoould we place the cricket or the pin head in there tank? just place them in there and let the babies find them? also what temperature should it be in there tank?

You can just place them in there and let the babies find them, that is how I do it. The temperature should be in the low 70's - I keep my babies at about 72-74 degrees. They are sensitive to heat, so be sure the glass enclosure doesn't heat up to much. Be sure it doesn't drop below 60 at night. I personally find fruit flies (the larger hydei species) better for newborns than pinhead crickets, which die quite readily and are very hard to get at most local pet stores (unless you have a really big one nearby). Generally, Jacksons (xantholophus) have about 20 babies per clutch, but they can have less. They usually give birth to them all within an hour or so, so it sounds like that's all you'll be getting. Good luck with them, as long as you feed them as much as they'll eat (they are eating machines) and watch the temperatures, they should do well for you. Also, be sure the enclosure dries out between mistings, as the babies are sensitive to too much moisture and it can cause problems if the enclosure stays wet all the time.
Thanks everybody for your help I got everything I needed for these lil guys, and sorry I tottaly forgot that pin heads are just very small crickets I was thinking they were some sort of fruit fly's. So how often should they be sprayed with water? 3 times a day? And about calcium, can we use the same calcium and multivitamins we give our vield? should we wait until they get bigger to start givn them calcium and multivitamins?
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