My Jackson's Pair


Established Member
I waited patiently for these two and they are finally here! I'm so happy to have them in my growing collection.

Jack is approx. 10 months old and WC. He's skiddish, as expected, and hides when I mist/feed. He does allow me to handle him without aggression which is nice but I leave him alone unless there is a need for it.

Chloe is approx. 6 months old and CB. She hasn't settled in to her new home yet and I am working on minor adjustments to find out what it is that she doesn't like. I can't truly correct that issue until after our move this weekend however. She did show some relaxed colours when she was free ranging in the sun from the window over the weekend which was lovely to see.


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Update on the Jackson's

So we have settled into the new place now - 2 sewage back ups later - and so finally some stability for the chameleons.

Jack is doing well, I see him drink a lot but he does not like to eat in front of me so I have only caught him twice. There are far less dead crickets in his cage than I put in there to begin with and plenty of poop so I can only assume he is in fact eating. He loves a long shower in the morning.

Chloe is settling in better now that we are in the new place. I lowered her temperatures so that ambient is between 70-75F during the day and her basking spot is mid to high 70's. I actually lowered the branch for her basking spot. She is also located in the basement now where it is more peaceful and naturally cooler and I think this was just the thing to make her feel at ease. Although she still shows some dark colouration now and again, overall it's much more relaxed and brown/tan so I think we're both happy. She will not eat or drink in front of me and does not like to be handled at all. Very quiet girl.


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I am sad to say that Jack passed away last night. He had a Vet appointment this evening as he had blood in his stool yesterday morning. Over the past week I've noticed that he wasn't drinking much and began to look emaciated and suspected parasites. My regret is that I did not take him sooner, I was very shocked to find him this morning lifeless.

I believe he had these parasites from the get-go. I purchased him from a breeder who had purchased him from another guy across the country. I asked if he had been treated for parasites and was told yes but I'm not so sure he actually was. That and a combination of being wild caught and having trouble acclimating could be what did him in. The warning signs were there from the beginning - not eating much, thin, sleeping during the day - in my novice keeping experience I did not put the concern into those signs that I should have. Lesson learned.

I feel awful since I vowed never to buy wild caught but broke my rule as I wanted a Jackson's so bad and could not find a captive bred anywhere in Canada. The female I have is captive bred, however, and her health is good. So is my Panther's. I just have a hard time believing that in the one and a half month timeframe he was in my care, he contacted parasites and died from them.

Anyway, this is a sad Monday for me. :(
I am so sorry you lost your girl. I know she must have been hard to find.

This is a breeder in CA, even if he does not have the cham you want, maybe he has connections in Canada to get you a jackson.
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