My lighting Situation


Avid Member
I currently have a heat lamp and a UVB 100 bulb. I also have another light which I'm not sure which to go with. I have either a CFL 6500 fluorescent bulb or an exoterra fluorescent bulb which provides UVA not UVB. I have pics below and wondering which is better for my veiled

IMG_3694.JPG CFL 6500 IMG_3695.JPG CFL 6500 IMG_3693.JPG Exoterra IMG_3692.JPG Exoterra
Ok well going out and getting a new light is also an option so you're suggesting a tube reptisun 5.0?
Yes, you need a heat light, and uvb source which would be your 5.0 tube reptisun that expands the length of your enclosure. The two bulbs you displayed would be ok for plants but not beneficial for your veiled. Hope this helps!
Ok thanks. I'm going to order a dual fixture from with an HO T5 bulb and an Arcadi 6% UVB.
Your MUST have uvb. They cannot live w/o uvb rays. If you aren't exposing him to direct natural sun, then he needs a uvb special bu(_
Sorry, but to finish the repti sun 5.0 are good but if you have a large area for him to move in, a 10.0 is better. I borrowed a light meter from my vet and discovered some disturbing stuff re the whole light deal.. Brand new exoterra only have the minimum amount of...I don't know what it's called (help me here, everybody) bands (?) OR rays or whatever it is we measure. I read the directions on the box and then got help from people on here much smarter than myself. Bottom line is, the dang things only come with a minimum amount of what we need, no matter how new they are. I checked a 5 and a 10, brand new and the 5 was 6.4 and the 10.0 was 7.2. The mid range was6-8. something. So, bare minimum from the box. You gotta get a new one every 6 months. They day a year. But , no.
Yea I do currently have a UVB bulb but I'm going to change everything out to tube bulbs after reading the replies in this post
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