My little Luna so far


New Member
So around a month or so ago I picked up my first panther, a lottle ambanja that we have named Luna. Got a ton of help on here particularly from nhenn that I appreciate the heck out of. Here is what she looked like when I got her.

And after a bit of time she now looks like this.



Her bars are coming through as blue below her stripe and purple on top. Her main color is a pink thats not peachy like a lot ive seen, its a true full pink with a bit of red spotting/rain in it. She's been amazing so far, while she doesn't care for handling she hasn't so much as hissed at me let alone bit me. Been amazing so far and plenty more fun to come :)
She hasent gotten darker and has been that color since I got her in her new cage 2 or 3 weeks ago. I've had a sand and soil laying bin in her cage fir around a week or so now as I don't want any issues.
I've been keeping a very close eye on her and feeling her belly daily as she has absolutely no issues just being touched. I also want to pick up her signs and behaviors of when she lays for future reference as I'm assuming just like humans everyone has a different mating behavior xD
hmmm, my female looks around the same size and has the same color patterns. This is new for her for about 2 weeks now. She gets very peachy color then gets the same greenish bars. I was also wondering the same thing if my female was receptive or maybe getting ready to lay eggs as well. please keep us updated.

Great looking cham luna is :)
Luna is a beautiful little lady. Good job providing her with a laying bin. If you cut back on her food and lower her temps to the low 80 it might also help to keep her clutches small.
I have actually cut her back from 5 crickets twice a day to 3 crickets twice a day, 100% of them dusted. Did that about a week ago as I saw a lot of people say it will reduce the size and duration of her laying.
I have actually cut her back from 5 crickets twice a day to 3 crickets twice a day, 100% of them dusted. Did that about a week ago as I saw a lot of people say it will reduce the size and duration of her laying.

That's too much food and she needs a large variety of well gut loaded feeders not just crickets. I only feed my adults once a day, three days a week. I give the girls what would equal about 5 to 6 crickets three times a week.
Even at 6 months? I've been giving her wax worms and super worms a few times a week as well and 100% of it is loaded with organic spinach, apples, and carrots I just didn't mention it sorry.
Wax worms and superS are very high in fat. I've never use wax worms and only feed on average one super a week to my males and maybe one or two a month to a female. She looks much bigger than a 6 month old and I would cut her back to at least every other day and then in another month 3 times a week. Try non worm feeders. Most worms are high in fat. You could feed medium size roaches, Blue Bottle flies, moths, grasshoppers, stick bugs, mantis, painted lady butterflies. Check out Sandrachameleon's blogs. She has some excellent ones on feeders and gut load. I can't remember why but spinach is not good for gut loading. I would recommend a good dry gut load such a Cricket Crack to go along with the fresh fruits and veggies.

You might find my blog for new keepers helpful.

Egg laying and the laying bin.
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