My new baby Panthers :D


Avid Member
My new Panthers :D

Well I decided to put them in a 12 gallon tote/bin. At first I had fake branches and then had to run to lowe's to pick up a pothos and umbrella tree. I'm thinking if I should move them to my 18x18x36 cage. Well heres the pics, let me know what you guys think..







Sorry if pics are too blurry... Just took some pics and didn't want to distrub the babies.

I don't think I washed the umbrella tree well huh? I see scales? I rinse it with hot water and soak it and scrubed...?? What do you guys think.. Other then that I like this pic a lot... This was them getting ready for bed..
Thanks today they came in.. Got 4.. 2 for me and 2 for my buddy. Ahh now I got two of everything.. Vieleds, pgymy, and boas.. Im anxious to see these little guys hunt for food tomorrow..
A lot of times nurseries spray thier plants with a wax. This helps preserve moisture in the leaves during transport, however, it is hard to remove. I don't know if this is dangerous or not. I guess it depends if they eat the leaves. My veileds only eat the tender hibiscus but they do crawl around on the other plants.
Great looking lil guys. How old are they? I like the way you did the tub Im going to have to do that when I get some lil chams...
When you get a new plant the best thing you can do is to wash thoroughly with anti-bacterial soap. Also if you go back to Lowes' or call them, find out when and if they used any pesticides or fertilizer (miracle gro). I would also take out all the dirt and wash the roots and then replace the dirt with organic soil. This way if there is any fertilizer or anything you manage to get alot of it out. Some sites recommend that if it has had any pesticides that you don't use it for 2 mos. So be careful. Luckily panthers usually don't chew on the plants. Usually. Cutteee babies.

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