My new buddy - Gargoyle gecko


Avid Member
Meet my new friend, Egil Skallagrimson.


I got him at the reptile breeders' expo in Omaha this past weekend. It was my first expo, and there was quite a lot there; got Egil from a table right inside the door chock-full of geckos of all sorts - relatively few cresties and leos (though those were present), one or two other gargies, lots of Phelsuma... Several of the lizard and snake breeders had adult animals on hand, which I thought was nice, as you could see what size and maybe coloration yours might develop.

Now that I have a Rhacodactylus, am I finally one of the cool kids?:p:eek:
You aren't one of the cool kids until you get bit with the Rhac bug.

Ask again when you have more than 20... :rolleyes: (kidding!)

I don't even see a gecko in that picture! :eek:
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