My new buddy!


New Member
Hey guys this is my new baby veiled, his name is sebastion, he just arrived today. I have him in a 18"x18"x36"( will upgrade it when he gets older). Anyway i just wanted to introduce him. Also what do you think of his enclosure, is it good for him?


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hi and welcome to the forum! congrats on your new friend!!
one thing i would suggest is getting more horizontal pathways towards the top of the cage, more vines, sticks, anything like that because he will want to get up high like that and scamper around :) some more foliage around the top would be awesome too they like the security of it while they venture around. other then that i think it looks nice :)
what do you have for him to drink from?
this is a really helpful caresheet we always give to new owners with veileds
and this blog has great ideas on different feeders for your new friend!

cant wait to see more pics of your new friend!!! :)
@reptilelove18- I have been misting his cage regularly and he also has a dripper.

Will do, he does seem quite attached to the top of the cage haha.
He's such a cutie. I would echo the comments above. Take a look at the caresheets and if you have any additional questions please post.

Some basic questions:
  • Basking temperature?
  • Ambient temperature?
  • What are you using for UVB light?
  • When do you mist (and for how long)?
  • Humidity level (you'll want to get a hygrometer if you don't already have one)?
  • Are you using a dripper?
  • What will you be feeding (how much and how often)?
  • What are you feeding your feeders?
  • What supplementation do you have?

I'm sure I've missed many :). But answering those above will help!

Thanks and welcome!
Hey guys this is my new baby veiled, his name is sebastion, he just arrived today. I have him in a 18"x18"x36"( will upgrade it when he gets older). Anyway i just wanted to introduce him. Also what do you think of his enclosure, is it good for him?

Congrats! It looks like a great start. Cute little guy you have there :D

The only thing I would suggest is some additional horizontal perches for your cham to relax on. Bamboo from the garden section of Home Depot or Lowes make a great, low cost, durable option.
@reptilelove18- I have been misting his cage regularly and he also has a dripper.

Will do, he does seem quite attached to the top of the cage haha.

great :)
yup they generally are, my little guy spent a lot of the first day home crawling around upside down from the top of his cage until i got more horizontal pathways for him and then he was happily running around! :D
btw, we love pics!! ;)
Welcome! He's going to love his enclosure, Like ReptileLove18 said we're always up to see photos!
great :)
yup they generally are, my little guy spent a lot of the first day home crawling around upside down from the top of his cage until i got more horizontal pathways for him and then he was happily running around! :D
btw, we love pics!! ;)

Ha - mine did the exact same thing, and for the same reason. Once I got a good amount of horizontal pathways up, he began using those. I also think it takes them a little time to get familiar with the various ways to get around in their new home.
Ha - mine did the exact same thing, and for the same reason. Once I got a good amount of horizontal pathways up, he began using those. I also think it takes them a little time to get familiar with the various ways to get around in their new home.

oh yeah it takes them up to a week or even two to get used to the new enviroment :) i was so paranoid with him on the top of the cage! but it was fine lol he got down just fine by himself and once i got more pathways in there he was happy as can be!
oh yeah it takes them up to a week or even two to get used to the new enviroment :) i was so paranoid with him on the top of the cage! but it was fine lol he got down just fine by himself and once i got more pathways in there he was happy as can be!

It's sad how paranoid we cham owners can get over the littlest :)
I have a dubia colony set up and a whole bunch of nymphs, are they too big for him right now? should I get some fruit flies?
the general rule of thumb is dont feed your cham anything that is longer then the space between the chams eyes. so if you have dubias smaller then the space between his eyes you could probably feed him those. a lot of keepers start their babies out on fruit flies and crickets and add more variety once they have gotten a tiny bit bigger :) but no doubt he should be fine with dubia if it is small enough!

and @jshaffer- i know! we cant help it though its just like bringing your first infant home from the hospital, paranoia at every turn hahaha
the general rule of thumb is dont feed your cham anything that is "wider" then the space between the chams eyes.

:)Yep good advice so far. He's cute! Welcome to the forum.Lots of great information here and tons of great people! Best of luck with your little one. ;)
:)Yep good advice so far. He's cute! Welcome to the forum.Lots of great information here and tons of great people! Best of luck with your little one. ;)

Ah - I always wondered if there was a distinction between width and length when it came to feeders. So would it be acceptable to feed, say, a superworm that was longer than that space, but not as wide?
Ah - I always wondered if there was a distinction between width and length when it came to feeders. So would it be acceptable to feed, say, a superworm that was longer than that space, but not as wide?

Yep! My boy Zaphod ate a hornworm almost as long as he is :eek:! (slight exaggeration, but you get the point :rolleyes:)
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