My new buddy!

So i tried feeding him. I put some nymphs in his general area to see if he would go for it, then i tried some pinhead crickets, still no. I would try cup feeding but he is still rather shy. I understand he is probably quite freaked out right now but i just dont want him to starve. Do they usually not eat on their first day home?
So i tried feeding him. I put some nymphs in his general area to see if he would go for it, then i tried some pinhead crickets, still no. I would try cup feeding but he is still rather shy. I understand he is probably quite freaked out right now but i just dont want him to starve. Do they usually not eat on their first day home?

It's very common for him to not want to eat right away. May be even a few days of not eating, or not eating much. Definitely try cup feeding, so you can monitor. And just give him some time and space to be alone and acclimate.
Welcome to the forum,you can get all the help and answers you will ever need from the fantastic members here,if someone does not have an answer someone else will :D:D Looks like everything else has been said so again welcome
Thank you for the warm welcome and help everyone! This forum is fantastic. Ill keep updating, hopefully he eats.
@reptilelove18- Thanks! he is getting much more comfortable with his new home. He is eating very well, I caught him drinking earlier. He even got spooked and ran onto my hand today(first handling!).

Does anyone know good temps for a 2.5 month old veiled? I read on the caresheet it said high 70's heat lamp usually not required? Right now I have a heat lamp and its in the low 80's, is that too hot for him?
you could pull the heat lamp up away from the enclosure a little bit to lower the temps a bit. so that the basking temp is around 80 and the rest of the enclosure is a little cooler :) thats awesome that you got a short handling in already!!! he sounds like a little love :D its great thats he's settling in so well too!
Haha yeah, he is still terrified of me though. He usually goes into his hiding plant when i walk by or come to put food in his cage/clean poop. All in good time!

He also discovered the bottom of the cage today. Im pretty sure he is just exploring but he wandered down to the bottom like twice today and just hung out down there. He found his way back up though :D
He climbed onto my hand again today which was nice :D But after he realized what he was on he freaked out and turned super dark and kinda layed down. It seemed like he was just trying really hard to play dead or hide from me it was bizzare. I quickly put my hand back in his enclosure and he very very very slowly inched his way off my hand acting like i couldnt see him haha!
that was his, "im a dead leaf" act. lol. he'll come around to being handled! slowly but surely, just dont push him too hard :)
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