New Member
Made from an old curio cabinet. I cut and screened in the top and the front pannels along with the door. I foamed in the back and the bottom and painted and water sealed it. Cut out a waterfall look in the center. I have a tube coming out of the top of the waterfall that runs to my fogger. In the center i have 1 30'' and 1 24'' UVB bulb. On the right side i have my basking bulb. On the left i have a night bulb just to keep the temperature right. I have 4 thermometers measuring the cold spot, basking spot, ground temp, and the middle of the enclosure. I have a dripper that drops onto 2 big cupped leaves with spouts leading into my catch bowl which will be removed and cleaned each day with a stick coming out of it just in case my cham goes swimming by accident. I have outdoor artificial turf as my flooring with a heat vine underneath just to keep my temps right. I will not be spraying my cage with water only using fogger and drip system. I have many different sized limbs i bought along with bamboo sticks and many vines and artificial plants. Everything is on a timer Day lights, basking light, and heat vine for day 12 hrs. and only night infrared bulb during night 9:30 pm to 9:30 am. I have the top droor of the base with a drip pan just in case any water makes it out of the catch bowl it will funnel into the catch pan. My basking temp is between 90-97 degrees my cool temp is around 75 and my night temperatures are 75 at the warmest and 70 at the lowest. Any suggestions let me know but be nice ive put a lot of time and effort into this build