My new Jackson's chameleon


New Member
Hey everyone I just wanted to make sure I’m starting off on the right foot with my new Jackson’s chameleon! I’ve been searching the forums for a while so hopefully I’m doing okay so far.

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon – Jacksons, purchased last week
Handling – Haven’t handled him
Feeding – I’ve been doing about 7-10 crickets per day and gutloading them with Fluckers orange cubes and also some pieces of carrots and spinach. I also got a few superworms but they seem too big for him so I’m holding off on those.
Supplements – I have the exoterra calcium + D3 and Reptivite vitamins. Have read mixed reviews on using these, but I’m planning on using both very lightly
Watering – I usually mist about 5 times a day. Im currently looking into automatic misting systems now, but he drinks all the time.
Fecal Description – I’ve seen 2 bowl movements, one was half white and brownish/black and the other had little to no white in it. I have not had a parasite test.
History – He was wild caught

Cage Info:
Cage Type – screen 24 x 18 x 24
Lighting – 13W repti glo 5.0 uvb and a 75W basking light (is this too much?). I keep the uvb on for 12 hours and the basking on for 8.
Temperature – Cage floor is 75 with the basking spot at 85
Humidity – 75-80
Plants – All fake, but plenty of cover is provided
Placement – On a desk about 3 feet from the ground, very low traffic.
Location - Florida

Current Problem – I just wanted to make sure everything seems fine so I don’t run into problems. He is a brownish/yellow color, but I just figured he is still stressed. I have seen him eat a few crickets, but I was worried he is having trouble finding them with the dense amount of plants in the cage. Here are a few pictures of my little guy!


U need to get a plain calcium. use that a all or most of your feedings and then alternate the d3 and the multivitamin a couple of times a month. Do not use d3 too often. Use some other green besides spinach, it is supposed to block the absorption of calcium. I would use Kale, mustard greens, collard greens, instead along with carrots, apples, oranges, sweet peppers etc. You can also gutload your Supers the same way. It is hard to tell from the pic but are you 100% sure that is a Jackson's? If you are worried about him finiding the crickets then you could try cup feeding. I would bring that basking temp down to 80 degrees. He is very tiny. Try like a 45 watt bulb instead of the 75. Welcome to the forums!!
Thank you so much for the reply! I'm heading out now to swap out the bulb and to get new calcium. It's a jackson's, but just a terrible cell phone picture haha! I see you're from Lake Worth, Im actually in Boca Raton. Also, did you mean tiny as in too skinny? I will post more legitimate pictures when I get back from the store.
No I did not mean too skinny, just hard to tell the species from that pic. Just want to make sure someone did not give you the wrong info on what they sold you! Yes, we are neighbors! Make sure and get your cham out in as much natural sunshine as possible. Being tiny he could overheat quickly so just make sure he is attended by you and has shade and water and do not leave him alone as birds will eat them!
Just got back from the store, thanks again for all the help! I was thinking of making a feeding dish out of a red dixie cup and attaching it to the side of the enclosure to see if he'll eat out of that.

Here he is!

oh ok I see the horns now!!!! If you use a dixie cup, trim it down. Don't make it too deep for him to get at the food.
Well then your eye site is even better than mine cuz I sure don't see no slight horns? I am near sighted and got glasses on! LOL!!
your eyesight is better than mine! I see no horn!!!! I even have my glasses on!!:rolleyes:
have you thought of putting a live plant in there?

Yea I saved some room for one. I'm just waiting to find a good plant that's small enough. I want a hibiscus but all the plants I've found are way too big. I'll probably wait a week or so and add a live plant when my mist king comes in :)
Where would you suggest to place the feeder cup? I tried putting it on the ground under one of the branches he likes to hang out on, but he doesn't seem to notice the crickets inside. Maybe it just takes awhile for him to realize its just THAT easy to find food haha.
you should use one of these bird cup things like i do you can get them in any size and all you need to use is a screw to make the hole in the mesh a little bigger so the hooks can slide right in!!! i put them a little lower on a vine so he can look down in them and grab them with his tounge!!!


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you should use one of these bird cup things like i do you can get them in any size and all you need to use is a screw to make the hole in the mesh a little bigger so the hooks can slide right in!!! i put them a little lower on a vine so he can look down in them and grab them with his tounge!!!

That's perfect!!!! Thank you for showing me that! Finally no more cricket escapees lol
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