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This gorgeous little guy came to me about 3 days ago, thank you Timesink, and I'm smitten.
Everyone says that chams are addictive, I should've listened.
He's a 5 month old Sambava panther, and he's absolutely adorable. Now I have to think of a name. I'm horrible at naming pets, my Jackson is still in need of a name, too.
Right now I'm calling them Big Guy and Little Guy. I definitely need to come up with something better than that. He's eating great, hunting and cup feeding, and he drinks while he showers or licks the droplets off the plant leaves. I've even seen him shooting drips from the dripper, which I thought was very cool. I've never seen my Jackson do that. He just walks up and puts his mouth under it.
I'm very happy. I just have a few pics, I didn't want to stress him. One is his deli cup pic.
Here he is:
Here he is: