my new one week old cham!


New Member
this is one of my two new one week old chameleons! one is herculeus and the other is zuko. they are doing great eating and very friendly! 183333_1867777779833_1402713368_32116669_5771567_s.jpg
they hatched on the 7th. so i guess a week and a half... maybe the picture just distorts him.
Who is out there selling one week old chams? I would not advocate either selling or buying chams so young, especially on the buying side without a decent amount of prior experience.
Who is out there selling one week old chams? I would not advocate either selling or buying chams so young, especially on the buying side without a decent amount of prior experience.

i had a previous post about it. this guy was selling them and he didnt really know how to take care of them, but i do, so i wanted to get them out of there as soon as possible to make sure they had a better chance at life. thanks :)
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