My new panther chameleon wont eat help pls


New Member
Hello , I bought a male(10 month old) and female(9 month old) blue bar panther chameleons 3 days ago. Female chameleon eat and drink very good. But my male wont eat, i try crickets, grasshoppers and superworms. He only start drink today but wont eat any insects and he is 105 gram. Humidty and basking temprature is good. Please help me. Thnx.




My male's terrarium
Are you housing them together? If not, then he most likely needs time to settle in.

Fill in the ask for help form in the stickies at the top of the health forum.
Im worried so much ..
I was in a similar situation as you. I got a new chameleon and he wouldn't eat. After some time he got settled in and now he eats like a pig. Don't worry. Just make sure your temps are all good. Good luck!
Try different feeders. Hornworms are awesome, any other worms work well: silk, wax, butter.

They can take a few days to settle in but new food helps.
I cut top part of terrarium. I think its enough ? I want to ask another question. When he show full color ? I saw a lot of blue bar chameleons and they have got a lot of color (red, yellow, blue, green etc.) But mine only green and sometimes show blue bar.


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