MY NEW PUPPY!!!!!!! (lots of pics)


Ryan, I was gonna ask if you still have that cage.....I think I owe you storage fees be now.

no bites today......but it's still early. Its funny, when I took him out of the ups box he was really calm. About 5 minutes after I put him in that plant he decided to go beast. anything that gets close is fair game for biting. at one point he jumped out of the plant/table to the floor and I had to pick him back up and put him in the plant. as soon as I had him about 4 feet off the ground in on my hand, he proceeded to close his eyes, open his mouth as wide as possible (I think I actually saw the inside of his tail :eek: ), and star flailing his body all over until his mouth hit something he could bite. It was actually one of the funniest things I've every seen a cham do.
Sounds like my guy, he's a jerk too. He throws a fit anytime my hand goes into the cage and it doesn't have a treat in it. Hope he calms down for yah.

Ryan, I was gonna ask if you still have that cage.....I think I owe you storage fees be now.

no bites today......but it's still early. Its funny, when I took him out of the ups box he was really calm. About 5 minutes after I put him in that plant he decided to go beast. anything that gets close is fair game for biting. at one point he jumped out of the plant/table to the floor and I had to pick him back up and put him in the plant. as soon as I had him about 4 feet off the ground in on my hand, he proceeded to close his eyes, open his mouth as wide as possible (I think I actually saw the inside of his tail :eek: ), and star flailing his body all over until his mouth hit something he could bite. It was actually one of the funniest things I've every seen a cham do.

I just lol'ed so hard at that....

I must say though, he is stunner, especially for such a youngin'.

Congrats on an awesome new addition - im sure hese in good hands!
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